My name is Morten and I'm 18. I found this website after I had seen Inception, did a quick google search and this was one of the first sites. Dreams have always fascinated me and I have always tried to use them constructive in my real life. I have always seen dreaming as one of the high points of my day. Sometimes people think it's strange, but whatever... I thinks it's wonderful!
I cant remember i have been luicid dreaming at all (I think i have, but I just cant remember it), but it sounds so interesting. The introduction to luicid dreaming on this website is very wellwritten and I'll start to write my dream journal from tomorrow when I wake up.
One of the things that strike me most about this forum is how kind everyone is! On other forums people are always mad at each other, but it seems like this one is filled with happy, cheerful people, who are willing to help anyone. I have a feeling I have joined a great forum!