Hey guys, my name is Havey and I have been extremely interested in learning how to dream lucidly for a very long time.

I was talking to a group of friends about a month ago outside one night and one of them brought up how he had taught himself to control his dreams and the way he sleeps, he began telling us these amazing stories and it really sparked an interest.

So I started on Google about a week ago and tried to find tips and tricks on how to do this, well I couldn't find any super solid advice then I found this website.

I know that being about to WILD seems really amazing, thats probably the one I would want to try the most, but since I have never actually became lucid, ever or entered SP I just want to have that feeling one time. Thats it, just once haha.

Anyways, the closest I have came, or at least felt like I came was the night before last.

I saw an article online where a guy said this:

Lay on your back, totally still with your hands by your side, keep your eyes closed and just relax, do this for around 20 minutes. After that time, you will maybe start to feel an itching sensation, but just ignore it to the best of your ability and keep staying relaxed, after a few minutes, you will feel a heavy feeling come across your body, and you can then open your eyes, when you do you will most likely be hallucination. This is normal, close your eyes again, you are now lucid dreaming.

I tried this, I would say I laid there for about 20 minutes and that heavy feeling kind of started to come over my body, and I had the itching sensation, then my leg wouldnt move and I stayed calm, then my other leg couldnt move so I thought, this might be it, I'm going to open my eyes, but I was awake.

I was extremely discouraged.

I would love to just be able to do it! Hopefully I can with the help of this community