
I have recently gotten the bug back to actively participate and involve myself more into lucid dreaming. I have been a member here some time ago but as most people know hobbies and interests tend to come and go as our attitudes and life dictates. Anyway a little about me, I am a 37yo guy from Brisbane, Australia. I am married with two young children. I have had the ability to lucid dream most of my life. I remember having lucid dreams before I even knew what they were. I just thought I could have some fun in my dreams at the time. I never really understood the potential of just what could be done.

Over the last couple of years I have tried to delve a little to deeper into my own subconscious and hone my lucid dreaming skills. I confess to being a little lazy at doing things like WBTB esecially as I wake up early to go to work most mornings so most of my lucids tend to be DILD's. It would be hard to count how many lucid dreams I have had but I would estimate maybe 50 or 60 in the last few years. The one that really sticks in my brain though is when I think I successfully managed to WILD. Long story short it was the most amazing dream I have ever had. It was very matrix like as I was being instructed to run down a long hallway in a tall building then jump out of a window and fly. While I was flying all of a sudden everything became crystal clear(x1000) , I could hear the air rushing past, feel the wind on my face and see even more distinctly than in real life. I can remember I started freaking out a little bit thinking this is freaking awesome and lost it and woke up. I have had many other lucid dreams but they all seem to have that dream fuzziness about them in comparison. So far that has been my only successful attempt at a WILD.

I have done alot of things I have wanted to do in lucids (flying, super powers, sex, walking through walls, telling people I don't like what I think of them.........before I punch them in the face and a few others). I have learned to control my dreams a lot better and usually can stay lucid for quite some time mixed in with some false awakenings and failures along the way. I do not consider myself an expert by any means and I have still got a lot to learn. I still find it hard to get lucid regurlarly but manage to get one every week or two on average. Hopefully I can get some advice on things that I would like to do or am having trouble with from you kind folk. Maybe I can even help some newcomers to discover the awesome alternate reality that is lucid dreaming. I also believe the more involved you become in lucid dreaming while awake the easier it is to become lucid while you are asleep.

Most of the time when I do manage to become lucid in a dream I cannot help but to just look around in absolute amazement that this entire dreamscape is being created entirely by my own mind without even trying. It is like the ultimate virtual reality. Sorry about the wall of text and thankyou for reading if you made it this far down. I look forward to talking with some of you in the near future.
