• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member snowman's Avatar
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      Jul 2005

      First Ld oh yeah!

      Ok after waking up today at around 10 I decided to try a wild. While waiting for sp I tried listening to the music in my head instead of blocking it out (this seemed to make it not so boresome - thx nina) I DEFINATELY felt vibrations go through my whole body, wierdest thing ever. The next thing I remember is driving shotty in my friends car and he is driving SUPER fast, cutting corners, being extremely reckless (nothing out of the ordinary here lol) but for some reason we end up in a mall and drive around inside it (still wasn't lucid) and I guess I jumped out of the car and found like some version of a segway. Im sitting on the segway thinking i need keys and I willed them to appear in my hand at that moment I thought I'm dreaming! this shit doesn't happen in real life, put the keys in the segway all excited and WHAM I woke up. But Wow! It was sooo vivid and real, I can remember everything. I was gonna go back to sleep and try to wild again but then I realized I might forget it so I came here.

      I am 100% positive it was a ld but Do you guys think I wilded? I'm thinkin that I got close to wilding but fell asleep and did a dild.

    2. #2
      Member nina's Avatar
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      I think you are right...since all you can remember are the vibrations I'd say it was a partial-WILD and then you probably lost consciousness during the HI stage but were still able to remain aware enough to realize that you were dreaming. So yeah I'd say it was a beginning WILD, and then a DILD.

      Did you lose track of the song during the vibrations or do you remember how that happened? If you can learn to stay conscious through HI it should take you right into your LD. Do you remember seeing or hearing any HI at all?

    3. #3
      Member snowman's Avatar
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      Jul 2005
      I remember trying to hear some death cab (they relax me) but lol I couldn't really remember how the songs exactly went.. Tried listening to other songs.. I really don't remember anything else, it went pretty quick.

      I think I saw some vague hi but not very much. If Hi is the stuff when you think about it, it dissappears then yes.

      Edit: Another thing I should've done is set for sure the thing I want to do in my ld because wow I didn't really think after becoming lucid, I shouldve calmed down and instead of put the key in the ignition I should've attmempted flying (my biggest ambition in dreams as of yet.)


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