Hi everyone,

I have just stumbled across this site last evening trying to find a reason why my husband cannot recall any of his dreams and I have literally had a shock.
I started to read and all of sudden I had the feeling as if I've written most of things here myself.
I have had lucid dreams since the age of 12 (I'm now 28) after seeing an article in a newspaper about a girl being able to do it. So I said to myself if she can then I can.
So I started to keep conscious at all times when going to bed and literally stepping into my dream in like slow motion. If I'm not careful or I become over excited which happens sometimes I bounce back but for very short time and then back in my dream. The other thing that happens quite often is the paralysis which is really frightening. I have been able to control it to a minimum and try to turn it in my favor. I usually end having sex during that stage or mostly being "abused" by shades...
Anyway, my problem as it is , is every time I have a lucid dream I seem to be trying to convince everybody around me that we are dreaming and sharing the same dream. I'm like..hey let me tell you this we are now dreaming and sharing the same dream and when you wake up you will remember...HILARIOUS!! Or I end forcing somebody to have sexual relationships with me or I try to teach everybody in my dream to fly. I'm not very good at controlling my dreams and the only way i can define my experience in controlling my dreams is : when I do it DISASTER STRIKES!! I know!! The guy I want to have sex with doesn't want to (I don't know why I seem to have such a high sex drive in my dreams...I'm not like this in real life) ....when I want to drive the car of my choice I end carrying it in my arms eventually...I start flying and i collapse or just panic, I end dying a lot in my dreams as well... I also have a technique of waking when things go terrible wrong....I just look up the sky and next second I'm awake.

Most of my dreams are violent, the gun I always know i hold in my pocket doesn't seem to fire right so I get shot.

I would love to be able to control them better. I believe a quarter of our life we spend sleeping. It's a lot by anybody's standards so why not turn it into something exciting. For me it's a second life I have and most times I'm looking forward to going to bed. What am i going to experience next? Not paralysis i hope!!! LOL

Thank you for your patience in reading this Long post. If anyone can advise me how to better control my dreams is more than welcome to do so. All the other posts are welcomed to .

Thanks for having me around.