Hello everyone. My name is Alecsa. So good to have a community for such a matter.
I have started to keep a dream journal only 3 weeks ago, because I was feeling very tired when awakening from nightmares. I was talking to my husband and he told me that lucid dreams exist as an option. I went a researched the topic. Picked up a few books about it also. Then I have noticed it is directly linked to astral projection. At that point I felt somehow lost. I read a bit about it, and tried to have a conversation with my husband, about it. He told me that, after some years of keeping a dream journal and trying very hard to see his hands in his dreams, he managed to achieve lucidity. And even more. He left me in suspense, and I started reading about astral projection instead. A few days later, he has talked about it again, and I could see he is traumatized by that subject. I really think that at a point he was able to do so, but he very much avoids talking about it, as if it were to happen again, thought which terrorizes him. Now, I am trying to record my dreams, and I really hope that sometime soon I might be able to be lucid, but I also hope that there were be no astral projection until I am really sure of what the heck that is, and if I should even do it. If anyone has some sort of experience on that matter, please, please tell me about it. Thank you in advance, and happy dreaming!