What's good y'all? My name's Omar and I'm not really new to the concept of lucid dreaming but I am in fact a beginner. I was interested a lot on the subject back when I was younger but for some reason it quickly eluded me and I just didn't give it any real effort. A couple nights ago, I changed my mind. Without any reason or purpose, I had a lucid dream. I had become lucid in previous dreams but usually I would just wake up. I would like to call this my first official lucid dream because I didn't wake up and everything looked crisp, clear, vivid.It was beyond amazing, to say the least. I stayed calm and looked at my surroundings. I became lucid through use of a dream sign, not knowing what one was at first. It was the fact that I attended my old high school that I don't ever go to anymore. As soon as I came to this realization I became lucid. When I was aware of this I tried to exercise my power by yelling everybody to freeze. Everybody did just that. It was absolutely fascinating. Without delving much into too much detail I continued to use this degree of power by spawning a Bugatti, and making a stream of lightning come out of my hands. However I was limited. I had to use a lot of force to release the constant flow of lightning, and it was very small. Also when I tried to jump up and touch a, say, 20 foot awning I only jumped up as high as I could in real life. This reign of power came to an end when I ended up telling my best friend that we were in fact dreaming, and him telling me otherwise. I tried to show him my amazing abilities, but sadly nothing happened :'(ha ha ha. I woke up shortly after that in awe, it was incredible and I knew that I wanted to do it again...and again...and again. I was bent on learning to become proficient at this craft, and well, I was wondering if anybody had some personal tips for a starter . Obviously it's going to take a lot of work but I don't mind at all. I've made a dream journal, but it's on my iPhone and I've made it pretty organized. Is this ok? I have exceptionally good dream recall as I'm constantly remembering dreams, even before the thought of getting back into lucid dreaming. Any other personal tips as well? Anything would be greatly appreciated and I can't wait to share any more experiences I have with you guys in the forum