Hey everyone, I am new to lucid dreaming, and so far I have working on my dream recall. It is getting to the point where I remember lots of dreams in a given night (I remembered five from last night and wrote them all down), but they are all fairly short and change rapidly. I also have been unable to have the presence of mind to do an RC and discover that I am dreaming. When I think back on the dreams, there were not any obvious things that were impossible, I was just in situations that I could never get into in real life.

Basically my quesiton concerns the fact that I have lots of small, uninvolved, not very detailed dreams, and I am unable to move to an LD state. I have had very long, detailed dreams in the past, but they seem hard to come by. Should I just be practicing more RC's in my daily life so I get used to it and remember to try them in dreams?

Any advice on the matter would be much appreciated. Thanks!!