• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Hello everyone,
      As I look back now, I really forget why or how I got back into Lucid Dreaming. A couple years ago, I was interested in lucid dreaming, I might have even visited this site to get information. I did some of the methods described on this site like reality checks, dream journals, wake back to bed, wild, and mild. I forget how long it was till I had a lucid dream but I had one. I still remeber it clearly, I was riding a motorcycle down my street. I figured out I was dreaming and became overly excited which put an end to the lucid dream. After that, I kind of lost all interest in lucid dreaming. I had the attitude of "been there, done that" and figure I did it once so no need to do it again. I go through these weird phases where I will be obsessed with something for a while and then lose all interest. Recently, for whatever reason I have been wanting to get back into Lucid Dreaming. I now I am looking for a more spiritual side of life and for whatever reason I consider lucid dreaming a spiritual pratice. Right now I am very interested in Lucid Dreaming, but I do not want to lose the interest I have in it. After purchasing the book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold, I found this site and it message boards. Yesterday was my first time on the boards and I pretty much spent all day here. After doing some reality checks during the day, I decided to try to get back into the state of lucid dreaming at night (11pm). I had my dream journal all ready and tried to get to bed with some reverse blinking. I did not get to the point of barely keeping my eyes open but I was relax and got tired. I rolled over to my side and got the images you get when you press your eyes in. I guess I focused too much on them and was not able to relax fully. After giving that shot I figured I would go to bed and wake up early to record my dreams. I could not get to sleep, so I am took a sleeping medication I am prescribed called Trazadone to fall asleep. After getting to bed around 11:20pm, I awoken at 4:15 to write in my dream journal. I was not able to recall my any dreams I had. Usually I can remeber one dream I had when waking up or hitting the pillow that following night.After waking up, I decided I did not want to get back to bed so I spent the rest of the morning here on dreamviews. If you read this all the way through, I hope you can tell I am unsure about a few things mainly:
      Where do you suggest someone who is looking to get back into lucid dreaming start?
      Should I be waking up in the middle of the right to record my dream or do it in the morning?
      Should I first build up my dream journal and dream recall before even attempting a lucid dream?
      What is the best method to assure that I remeber my dreams?

      Well, I look forward to hopefully keeping my interest in lucid dreaming.
      Dreams are free, so free your dreams.</span>

    2. #2
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2003

      Hi ToadKings, glad you stopped by. I congradulate your choice to invest more effort in the spiritual and lucid dreaming&#33;

      Let me see if I can answer a few questions:

      Where do you suggest someone who is looking to get back into lucid dreaming start?
      Start with your dream journal and reality checks. It sounds to me like you are already doing this though. Please browse around the tutorial section as well and be sure to ask any questions you might have.

      Should I be waking up in the middle of the right to record my dream or do it in the morning?
      Log your dreams whenever you wake up. You don&#39;t need to force yourself to wake up, but if you do in the middle of the night, it&#39;s better to write them down then, few people remember them by morning.

      Should I first build up my dream journal and dream recall before even attempting a lucid dream?
      Absolutely not&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Begin now&#33;

      What is the best method to assure that I remeber my dreams?
      Your dream journal is probably one of the best methods to increase dream recall. One thought is to keep a tape recorder by your bed and speak a few key items into it about your dream when you wake. You will be suprised how much you can recall the next day with just a few hints. When you have time later, write down as much detail as you can about the dream.

      Good luck and I hope for your lucidity to return tonight&#33;
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Tonite I am going to to bed around like 10:30-11 and wake up around 4 and try WILD. Say if I wake up at 4 how long should I wait before I go back to sleep to attempt WILD?
      Dreams are free, so free your dreams.</span>

    4. #4
      Haunted by entropy. Achievements:
      1 year registered Made lots of Friends on DV Populated Wall Veteran First Class 5000 Hall Points
      sloth's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2006
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      20 years worth
      Deep in the woods
      Wow.. That&#39;s a long post.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Was that too long of a first post?
      Dreams are free, so free your dreams.</span>

    6. #6
      aka MoT, MoTster, Shadow Dallian's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Under the bed (with the monsters)
      No, it wasn&#39;t. You needed information. WILD is a bit tricky. Seeker answered a lot... if you need any more help, I&#39;m usually online. Except for the times that I&#39;m not online, but you can always leave me a message then.

      sloth, don&#39;t make him feel bad. He&#39;s new. BE WELCOMING AND NICE. jeez.
      Bats are nocturnal.

      Adopted: Ceril ....Adopted by: NeAvO
      Ooh, I finally have a dream journal.


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