So. I've read the basics on LD. Like MILD, WILD, WBTB. I actually tried the WBTB and it didn't work...
So I started a dream journal, and I've kind of been ignoring it () but when it's there I almost always remember at least a fragment. My problem is that I almost never see things through my eyes in a dream. It's usually me watching me doing stuff.
Also, my dreams are dark a lot, with flashing brightness.
And I don't have any recurring things in my dreams, and I don't see clocks or my hands or anything so I can't do a reality check.
I was just wondering, how can I do it?? I usually get so caught up in the dream that I don't remember that I'm in it until the morning.
Can I try another technique? Because I always find my mind wandering when I'm MILDing. I think I have a short attention span...

Thanks sooo much in advance.