Hello everybody,

a few hours ago i had not idea at all about lucid dreams, never heard the term or anything related, and now I am amazed (and relieved) to find this community and so much information about them...

it all started a few weeks ago I had an accidental lucid moment while dreaming, somehow I looked at my hands, started moving them and realized i could control my dream, experiencing some kind of power that I couldn't explain... I woke up and had the weirdest feeling about this... felt a bit scared as well... I was very busy during those days and didn't do any research... and it wasn't until last night that i had many many moments of almost achieving awareness while dreaming, and everytime i felt like power flowing through my body up to my head... later in the night i had a lucid moment again by looking at my hands and moving them while my dream scenario turned around me and started to fade away... I felt again this power flowing up to my head and I remember I started to say "YES!" while feeling my real mouth closed... then I felt I was losing it so I tried harder to calm down and stay in my dream... don't know why but I also remember trying to pass my finger through my other hand's palm but couldn't do it, it felt real... after a while the energy on the very top of my head felt too strong to handle.. so I gave up and finally woke up... with a very weird headache (for almost 4 hours now )...
and freaking out about the whole experience... couldn't go back to sleep so I googled "dream control" and found you guys...

some questions/comments from the top of my head are...
I am 29 and never before in my life had I such dreams, why now?...
also, I was not trying to have a LD... didn't even know this was possible... I read now that training is required for this... and I feel exhausted from this night... is this normal? can you actually rest when your mind is working so much?

I've tried all morning to fall asleep and have some rest,but without success... I must confess I'm a bit scared
I'm not sure yet if I want to have these LD's, people say they are cool but I want to read more about them first... i have the feeling that I won't have a choice anyway and will have them more often from now on... are there also techniques to decide not to LD and have a good rest?

Thanks for you patience with this newbie and for any comments and tips you may have...