Last night, after a WBTB, I had my very first LD! It was a DILD, I guess. I was trying to VILD that night, but I fell asleep while trying, but while I was dreaming I realized it and became lucid for a little while. This is my dream:

I am walking up to a huge house for a party. My mom tells me to go on inside and I say, "Mom I can't go in there! I don't have pants on I only have boxers! I wouldn't be caught dead w/o pants on!" My mom insists that I go inside, so I do. I later think about this some (me not having pants on and all) and I decided to do a reality check. All the test came back negative!! I freaked out like I'm dreaming!! WOOO!! I'm DREAMING! so I jump a few times trying to fly and I jump off a flight of stairs trying to fly, I suffer blindingly strong pain (pain is intensified in dreams, not to mention that falling from a flight of stairs would hurt like hell anyway... ) and

I wake up extremely excited. I then remember the other night when I dreamed that I had a lucid dream in my dream (after my fake lucid I wake up in a dream car and tell my friend how I had a lucid, but I didn't actually) so I was like, "maybe this is another fake lucid and I'm still in a dream! So, I do a RC and they come back positive and I wake up like YA!! I had my first lucid dream! All this at like 5AM so YAY!!!!!