Well lets see, I started looking through this site about two days ago. Although I had already known about lucid dreaming prior to reading this site but i've always been more interested in trying to astral project which i've come very close to before unknowingly. I've tried to ease into a dream by meditation but that didn't quite work I gave up after 30 minute I was too tired. Then the other night I tried these mp3's you listen to before bed, which might have worked because I had a very weird dream and as has been the past two days I don't remember exactly after I wake up but an hour or so later its like oh yea! Also the past two nights i've had ramen before bed and based on my experience it always gives me veryy weird dreams It seems my only problem is becoming aware during my dreams or performing a reality check but I definately don't have any troubles rembering my dreams. I also tried to WILD this morning but was wayy to tired and drifted off to sleep after about 1 minute of trying to stay concious while letting my body fall asleep. Next course of action?