I had my first LD last night it was a DILD. It is a pretty ridiculous dream and here is how it went.

I am assuming that the bus trip I was on in my dream was related to my birthday, because a lot of the people on the bus were also at my birthday party. We had made a couple of stops on the bus and we had a couple of old people on the bus also 80’s. There was a bit of a scuffle on the bus and I think someone insulted one of the seniors.

I ended up in a vehicle with my brother Blair and we were driving down a road and it felt like it was a road in the US. There were lots of over hanging trees and there were turkeys perched in the trees, but the turkeys were hanging upside down and their necks and heads were hanging through the branches. A couple of turkey’s head were bumping our vehicle, but we were driving slowly and the turkeys were not getting hurt. I had my arm outside of the window at the time (riding passenger), and all of a sudden a turkey slithered its head into the sleeve of my leather jacket and almost got his head right out the other side.

The turkey was quite stuck inside my jacket, so Blair pulled over and I jumped out of the vehicle and the turkey was under a lot of pressure inside of my jacket and it started laying eggs out my one sleeve. The eggs were shooting out pretty hard and I was egging vehicles for a bit and then decided that I needed to take my jacket off. At this point a lot of my friends were around. I sat down and started to take my jacket off and the turkey looked dead, but it came back to life after a short time. I was kind of laughing about the whole situation and how ridiculous it was. The turkey after emerging from my jacket was wearing a female’s pledge sweater or university sweater and it was baby blue. The sweater looked like it was made for the turkey or something and as the turkey was walking away, I made a stupid joke like “call me babe” to see if my friends would laugh and the turkey was not very impressed with that.

Very shortly after all of my friends were gone again except for my brother and he also left very quickly after. I put my jacket on and then walked to where our bus and vehicles were, but no one and no vehicles were to be found. As soon as I realized this an East Indian man run up to me dragging behind him a camel. He was pretty aggressive looking as he said to me “here is you camel sir”. I was pretty confused and then he said “don’t worry your brother paid for him” (at this point I was pretty sure the camel was a rental). I was unsure about whether I could trust the East Indian man, so I asked him “ok then what is the name of my brother” and he replied “I don’t know”. I though about it and figured there is only one person who would rent a camel for me and it would be my brother, so I decided to trust the guy. A couple more East Indian people came over to prep me and the camel for the ride to the party destination and then a good question came to me “how will the camel know where to go because I don’t know where I am going”. As soon as the words came out of my mouth the camel casually said “don’t worry I know where I am going”. I turned to one of the East Indian guys and said “does it not seem strange that this camel is talking” and he replied “no”.

Instantly I said to myself “this is a dream”. I quickly looked at my hands as one of the East Indian guys said “this is not a dream”. Everything instantly became very vivid and I realized I was lucid. One of the East Indian guys said “what are you going to do?”, I replied “I am going to fly”. I quickly lifted off the ground and saw the East Indian guys and the camel watch me float up with amazed looks on there face. I remember being pretty scared and my heart pounding like crazy as I lifted into the sky. I managed to get pretty high like 20,000 ft maybe and a wizard almost collided with me and I remember thinking to myself “I am not controlling this dream that well”. I decided to go as high as I could and accidentally made a couple of slow flips. I woke up soon after.

I am pretty happy because I just got introduced to lucid dreaming a couple of weeks ago and haven’t really tried hard to achieve one. I hope this is something that continues, because it was a lot of fun and until a couple of weeks ago I would never remember an actual dream.