I joined here some months ago. I was really enthusiastic about this new way of dreaming. I started a DJ. I only wrote about 5 dreams in it, and I soon started to think less about lucid dreams.

However, I've been trying to WILD for a long time. Even if this might be very difficult for new lucid dreamers I find it very interesting. I can feel me getting "heavier". Sometimes I get this "wave of numbness"over my whole body. It's really interesting. However, there's nothing I like more than the hallucinations. I'm not very big on SEEING things. I keep hearing whatever goes through my mind. Very clearly I can hear things. As if someone's standing right next to me. Then, all of a sudden, I realise that I'm hearing these things and they fade away. The hearing can last for up to 10 seconds, but I always keep realising that I'm hearing stuff and then it fades. That is, however, the furthestI've ever been. I wake up next morning and I don't remember what happened after that point. I may have had loads of lucid dreams without remembering ever having them.

I have, once, realised that I MIGHT be dreaming. hehe, really frustrating. I was in the dream and considering the possibilities. There was this naked girl in my room and was like "hmm, weird....". I concluded that this was reality and and I acted as if it was. If I knew it was a dream Lord knows what I'd done I was SO close. I guess I'll accept anything strange in a dream....

My question: how to stay awake in the stages before the actual dreaming? I keep falling asleep.