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    Thread: Reise, Reise

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2009

      Reise, Reise

      Hey everyone.

      So I had a couple of lucid dreams a while back (2 or 3 years?) and since then I've had some control over my dreams (not much, but some). Basically this means I haven't had a single nightmare and dreams generally go alright, but I'm looking for some greater control. I don't actually go lucid, there's no awareness that I'm dreaming, the dreams just go my way. So I have some of the control, but none of the lucidity. Is that normal?

      Now, I'd like to actually take control of my dreams. The times I had control I would try to forcibly return to parts of the dream I enjoyed, and it worked... but when I tried to take greater conscious control, I would wake up. It was like there was a limit to how complicated I could make my actions and thinking a complex thought would break that limit and wake me up. I could at most express a desire to return to a particularly pleasant part of the dream and my mind might take me there, but it wasn't at all reliable and it's not as much control as I would like. It was like my mind forcing my surroundings to return. I'm not really sure how to describe it, it's like forcibly bending the time of the dream around you... but I guess more like warping since time is somewhat meaningless in a dream.

      The thing is that most of the time this doesn't work. If I attempt to gain control of my dreams in a conscious manner, I wake up. I remember there was one time I was struggling to stay half-asleep and dreaming while trying not to think so hard so I wouldn't wake up.

      Dreams were always what I looked forward to most as a kid and I would love to get back to that

      I haven't heard from many others that have shared my experiences (any, really). I hope I might be able to find some here, or at least some people to help me on my way.

      p.s. I feel things in my dreams just as I would in real life. I feel the apple, I feel the pain, I feel the person next to me. I haven't found anyone else that does that either. Again, something I hope to find here. Anyone here share that trait?


      p.s.s. I looked over the dream control tutorial on the site, paying particular attention to passive control. I suppose what I do is closest to affirmation, but not exactly.

      Your dream will create things that you know are there. When you are in your house in a lucid dream, you know that the kitchen is next to the dining room, and therefore, it is so. This works for everything. You can create an object or a person by knowing that they are through the nearest door or just around the corner.

      This may prove difficult at first because there is a difference of saying and believing. You have to know 100% that what you want is somewhere in your dream. If there is any doubt in your mind, then it won't show up.
      I feel like for me, changing the dream is fundamentally changing the thoughts around me. If I don't want something there, it never was. But again, I can't do this actively

      it seems a little odd to me because training myself to think in certain ways or convince myself of the truth of something is a technique I've learned fairly well. My will is exerted, my inclinations aren't.

      oh well. Hopefully I'll find the answer (and some really cool people) here.
      Last edited by viral; 02-18-2009 at 08:37 AM.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Hey Viral! Welcome to DV

      Quote Originally Posted by viral View Post
      So I had a couple of lucid dreams a while back (2 or 3 years?) and since then I've had some control over my dreams (not much, but some). Basically this means I haven't had a single nightmare and dreams generally go alright, but I'm looking for some greater control. I don't actually go lucid, there's no awareness that I'm dreaming, the dreams just go my way. So I have some of the control, but none of the lucidity. Is that normal?
      Absolutely. When I was younger, I regularly exerted unconscious control over my dreams, usually to fly. I sort of lost that ability for a while and have slowly been getting it back from time to time. The night before last was a huge step in the right direction for me and I was very nearly lucid. I flew. I made the car fly. It was awesome!

      I've also had a number of dreams where I feel I've been in that situation before (whether I have had that dream or not) and know what's going to happen, so if it's something I don't like, I tweak the dream so that it doesn't happen. Vis a vis, the dream doesn't "repeat" itself the same way each time. I'm not quite sure why this takes place, but it doesn't particularly bother me. Is this sort of what you're experiencing.

      Training yourself to realize that you're dreaming is a big step in learning how to consciously control your dreams. It takes time and practice and patience, so keep working at it if it's something you really want to be able to do. A lot of people wake up after becoming lucid as well. You're more likely to realize you're dreaming when you're in REM and about to wake up. You just have to train yourself to relax and not become excited. Ground yourself in the dream by touching and feeling objects around you, noticing the color and texture and other details. Walk around and feel yourself moving; pay attention to your feet hitting the ground/floor. As you practice, your LDs will become longer and more frequent.

      I've always loved dreams and I look forward to (most of) them as well I wish you nothing but success!

      Oh well. Hopefully I'll find the answer (and some really cool people) here.
      Even if you don't find exactly what you're looking for, there are a number of really cool people here. Feel free to meander through the site and ask questions. There's also a lot of information already posted here so don't hesitate to use the Search button at the top.

      We'll be seeing you!

      EDIT: Also, as far as dream control, a lot of it is believing that what you want to do is possible. If you think it's not going to work it probably won't. Don't be afraid to try something creative and silly. I tried to fly in an LD and couldn't just lift myself in the air, so I had a gust of wind sort of like a giant fan below me to lift me up. It started to work but then I woke up. The night before last I couldn't lift our car off of the ground, but instead caused it to shoot forward like a fighter jet and it worked. If you're trying to do something and the first idea that pops in your head seems ridiculous, try it! It will probably work.
      Last edited by Amethyst Star; 02-18-2009 at 08:57 PM.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    3. #3
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      I think most people will agree with you, that control and awareness are two separate things. Personally, I love having both in my dreams, together or separately. I found that after learning to lucid dream, then taking a long break, I still had control in my normal non-lucid dreams. Maybe if you just get in the habit of dreaming and thinking a certain way, you do it naturally? Even in my daily life, I find myself imagining exerting control like I would in a dream. I hope that doesn't make me sound crazy.


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