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    Thread: Reasons for Lucid Dreaming

    1. #126
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      I've always thought of it almost like having a whole new 2nd life. Like have one life in your waking life but then you can always come back to your life that you can create and make it go your way for the most part. It can even teach you about new things you will take into paly in "real" life. Experimenting with something you have always wanted to do or figure things out about your self you could never think about.

    2. #127
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      I think that if two people sharing a dream disagree, the dream would have to split. I mean, lucid dreaming is all self-delusion (all dreaming is, but lucid dreaming is just picking what delusion to believe), and even if there's some communication, nothing is going to happen to you that you don't believe possible. Bush couldn't be murdered unless he went into a lucid without sleep paralysis and believed it was possible for people to control each other through dreams, or else just plain believed in psychic mind control (so that he could believe you controlling him when he wasn't dreaming).
      It would be the same thing with waking up - you wouldn't be able to stop him from waking up unless he believed you could. It's what your mind does that keeps you asleep, the stay-asleep methods are just tricks that have the side effect of keeping you asleep if you are doing them.

      I'm trying to find the line between the new age and good parts of this - I've had an LD before, with no techniques besides wanting to badly (based on a casual remark by my dad that you can control dreams if you know you're dreaming), but some other things I see here look suspicious - such as dream guides. I think I'll go with simple godmoding and do my storytelling there where it will appear in full detail.
      Ten years without a dream, now starting almost from scratch.

      We're messing with our bodies on a very low level here - can we break them? What will it take to hurt ourselves?

      A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
      -Roald Dahl

    3. #128
      Member BohmaN's Avatar
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      Fun, sex, self-realization, consciousness enhancer, new skills, enhanced creativity, shared dreaming, flying, Fun, Sex, SEX, SEX
      Currently practicing WILD. I quote Kaniaz who said it best: "The point of WILD is to piss me off". Though, I have not given up, far from it.

    4. #129
      Dragon Queen Kyhaar's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by BohmaN View Post
      Fun, sex, self-realization, consciousness enhancer, new skills, enhanced creativity, shared dreaming, flying, Fun, Sex, SEX, SEX
      *backs away*
      The saying "in your dreams" has taken on a whole new meaning...

      Lucid Tasks Completed: 2 regular, 1 advanced

      Apparently, my dream name is Jharaerea.


    5. #130
      Member Lance Starsweeper's Avatar
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      In My Own White Room
      I love video games, I am an addict. Sure you can call me that. But I found out about Lucid Dreaming thanks to the movie Waking Life and then found this site and thought to myself, wow...it's like the ultimate video game. Oh yeah, and I'm a horny teenager, so that, you know, speaks for itself... =D
      Our own White Rooms are only a perception, we are simply confined by the rules that our mind creates for us, to make our 'dream' seem more logical so our brains can comprehend what we perceive. Without these rules we couldn't even begin to comprehend our own existence, thankfully, we have dreams. Dreams allow us a window into a world without rules and restrictions, all we need to do is learn how to control our world, because that's what it is, our world, separate from the invasion of others, the problems of our Waking Dream and the pain we feel in our conscious state.

    6. #131
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      my dreams are usually bizzarre
      i am going to use lucid dreaming to control dreams so i dont have to watch people getting chopped up
      or killing themselves andimals me me killed by animals ect ect etc
      a really crappy dream sets a bad mood over my whole day
      i want improved dream quality from lucid
      thats all

    7. #132
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      Other than the fact that you can pretty much do anything you can imagine, it's a part of human life that goes overlooked by many people. Your brain is a powerful piece of work and can do more than anyone could imagine. There are so many things left to understand about the human brain, but lucid dreaming is one of the things that ,IMO, gets overlooked by a lot of people. Sleep is just another state of conciousness, and if we can control our brain activity in our sleep youre pretty much doubling your lifespan, even though your asleep life isn't in fact a reality.

      Oh............and sex
      Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

      Celebrating the fifth year anniversary of you asking me this question.

    8. #133
      Fan of "That Guy" Lëzen's Avatar
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      If I told you I wouldn't have sex in lucid dreams every now and then, I'd be lying through my teeth. In fact, it's an ambition of mine to score with just about every Final Fantasy girl. That would be interesting.

      (Yes, ladies, just about ALL men are this perverted whether or not they admit it. Get used to it! And be glad that there are some of us who are man enough to admit it...)

      But other than that, I'd kind of like to do whatever I can that would be impossible in the waking reality. It'd typically be videogame related.

      -I'd put myself in a FF-like world and fight beasts. With a sword.
      -I'd fly an Arwing or Wolfen fighter (from Star Fox) and blast junk outta the sky.
      -I'd probably see if I could make my friends appear and converse with them the same way we would in the waking reality.
      -I think I'd like to kick Hitler in the balls just once... to see what it's like.
      -I'd see if I could contact my dead grandpa and speak with him in German.
      -And probably much, much more...

      And I'd ultimately like to see if I'd remember much of any of what I do when I awaken. If one can do this, then I'll have lots and lots of material with which to write stories.

      That's why I should lucid dream. To have the fun I normally wouldn't have in the waking reality, and to get as many interesting ideas as possible.
      Final Fantasy VI Rules!

      Total LDs: 10 | WILDs: 4 | DILDs: 5 | DEILDs: 2
      "Take atheism, for example. Not a religion? Their pseudo-dogmatic will to convert others to their system of beliefs is eerily reminiscent of the very behavior they criticize in the religious."

    9. #134
      pxb is offline
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      Battles... I just love the idea of going into a huge battle, and running around, chopping things up with swords. Thats probally why I remembered my dream the other night, as I got to run around with a lightsaber in it

      I'm trying to stay away from just wanting to LD so I can have sex..... but I think I may end up doing it, especially as how the people here seem to love it so much!

      And shapechanging, flying, running off buildings.... Just anything and everything!

    10. #135
      The Jury is Out Richter's Avatar
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      I want to LD mostly to re-experience some of my earlier dreams, in higher clarity and control of course! Once I "attain" those older dreams, I figure I'd LD for many of the same reasons others here do: UBER SECKS!!!
      I'm Dreaming

    11. #136
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      I want to LD because for many reasons but one of them would be that I spend at least one third of the day sleeping, I might as well make the most of it

    12. #137
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      I think there's lots of reasons to gain skillz in Lucid Dreaming.
      It's almost total freedom, only limited by your own mind. You can make what you want, do what you want, and be what you want. you can fly, you can travel, and be amazed.
      Another reason is because I'd like to have some Shared Dreams...

    13. #138
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      i would like to say that im one of those nightmare ones... my siblings were so "generous" when it came to scaring me when i was younger and i was so gullible, so i always got really freaky nightmares.... doesnt help that i live in the woods... but what would be the response if i were to say that ive been a lucid dreamer since i was... nine? ten? accouple years at least... and without writing anything down, like it just started happening?
      Quote Originally Posted by Placebo View Post
      This is in answer to 'Why should I lucid dream? What good is it?'
      So together with some others (eg AcidBasick), we've compiled a list for you
      Remember that virtually anything is possible in a lucid dream - so there are no limits
      1 ) Its damn fun, and brings enjoyment ... hell if you dont think dream sex is good, something is wrong !
      2 ) You can overcome your fears and nightmares - which falls through to waking life (fears = nightmares = fears)
      3 ) You can learn a lot about how your mind works, your subconscious, and a bit about 'awareness'
      4 ) You can investigate stuff like OOBE and AP for yourself, if you try hard enough
      5 ) You can investigate stuff like 'unlocking memories'... although this can be dangerous too
      6 ) You are more likely to experience anomalies like shared dreaming. In fact, my wife managed to cause one...
      7 ) You end up with interesting hobbies to impress others with
      8 ) You can learn about yourself and your reaction to situations that would never occur in real life. Eg - change your gender, be president or welcome aliens...
      9 ) You can learn and practice for physical and mental activities. Such as playing a sport or figuring out a problem. LaBerge's research suggests that signals from the brain to the muscles involved in these activities are identical to waking life.
      10 ) You can experience things that you otherwise would not be able to in waking life - even your greatest fantasies. Travel to the distant reaches of the galaxy, go on that dream vacation you've always wanted, or swim deep under the ocean. Similar to ( 8 )
      11 ) Waking up from a successful lucid dream can change your entire day. It can put you in a fantastic mood.
      12 ) You become more 'sensory aware'. Your whole life, including lucid dreaming, can become an intense experience.
      13 ) It can inspire creativity. One can get many ideas for art in dreams.
      14 ) You can use it to get a different perspective on a challenge or obstacle in your life. You can converse with yourself in a very real environment.
      15 ) You can grow spiritually, by expanding your mind to understand those perspectives that your normally would not (by experiencing them in 'interactive' dreams)
      Each of these points has its own research and growth potential
      Take ( 13 ) for example, you could create poems and essays straight from the subconscious! (Take a blank paper, think of a topic and have the topic get written to the paper - and read it)
      Hope that inspires
      PS: Check out the Lucid Experience Checklist for some ideas (some silly, some not)
      Also check out the research team section for some experiments you could try

    14. #139
      Member Nguyen's Avatar
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      Mainly to feel what life is like without boundaries.

      And become a god in my own world too.

    15. #140
      Member Truffles's Avatar
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      Well I think it would be really fun, and it's cool having something to do with all your extra time.
      Current Lucid Goals

      Become lucid in my dreams on a regular basis [ ]
      Fly [ ]

      Are you dreaming, Truff? ARE YOU?!
      (For reality checks)

    16. #141
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      I want to become more enlightened. I would love to meet who I really am, to see what passes as death. I would like to know for sure that I am living in a dream world right now and would love to learn what it is like in other very different worlds. I have met beings from other worlds in meditation, but have lost all contact and would love to get that back. When I say other worlds, I am talking about other focuses. I would love to meet some very loving, enlightened beings very different than what I have found so much of in this world.
      I realize this may be verging on OBE's, but I would also like to learn what exactly the difference is between Lucid Dreaming and OBE's if any.

    17. #142
      Dream Character folded's Avatar
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      here! Nooo . . . HERE!!
      Well, I can see why some of us have not responded to you quickly! You come right out and ask the heavy-duty questions, no playing around with lightweight chit-chat.

      As I mentioned in another post, I am no expert. Since I chose to respond to this post, I will further qualify that I am no expert in other entities, other focuses (foci? focii?), OBE's. I do have some experience (but claim no deep expertise) in meditation and lucid dreams. In fact, I joined this forum because I was on lucid-dream-hiatus for a while. I am on the road to relearning it.

      I know this much about OBE's: according to the technical descriptions of them available, I have had one or maybe two, but I do not view them as spiritual occurances. For my experiences, where it seemed very real and seemed fairly verifiable, I accept that it was just semi-lucid, very realistic dreams. I do not think my consciousness left my body. I know, booooriiiing. Prolly not the answer you wanted.

      As far as meeting others or going other places, long ago I gave up searching for such things. Now, I am perfectly content to travel to my inner, dreamy, silly-land and meet the amazing portions of myself that I do not usually interact with in the waking world. That is not to say that I claim with any knowledge whether other stuff exists. It's just that I have my hands full taking stock of my personal inventory before I go fiddling with others.

      Yes, all the world is a dream. I can dig that. It's just that the waking world is a remarkably stable dream, and it seems to be shared with others. I could go on for an entire thread on this discussion, I am sure. Meditation, enlightenment (and what the hell is enlightenment, anyway?) are huge topics by themselves, as well. Perhaps we will discuss those another time.

      This lucid dream has encountered a fatal error! Reboot? [Y/N]
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    18. #143
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      Hi folded. Thank you for repying to my post. I am sorry if I sounded too heavy, I didn't mean to. This is my first time on a Lucid Dreaming site and I have read some of it, but do not really know where people are on this. I don't consider myself an expert at all. I have had hundreds of Lucid Dreams, but not recently. The past several years, I have lost this ability for some odd reason. Once in a blue moon, I will have one by accident. But anyway, most of all, I appreciate your kindness in replying to my post.

    19. #144
      Dream Character folded's Avatar
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      here! Nooo . . . HERE!!
      Well td, at the very least, on this site you will find help and advice as to how to strengthen a lucid dreaming practice. It is a good spirtual method, in my book, and worth learning how to do well, just for the deep look inward.

      I know I have seen some threads on OBE's in the forum. I think there is some contention. Those who think they are really "out of body experiences", and those who think they are "in the body but still pretty damn neat experiences." You'll find your way to one of them and weigh in when you're ready.

      Dont worry about sounding heavy. Just be aware that heavy sounders like you and me can sometime be thread killers. It just happens, don't take it personally. I don't know how many threads I was the last one to reply to. I just keep on going.

      Once in a blue moon, I will have one by accident.[/b]
      There's a pun in there. Good one. I'm cheering for you to turn your "accidents" into purposeful Lucid Dreams. Good luck!
      This lucid dream has encountered a fatal error! Reboot? [Y/N]
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      WILDs: 1
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    20. #145
      Join Date
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      Thanks for the info. I will keep this in mind. Will be seeing you on the General Lucid Dreaming section.


    21. #146
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      Quote Originally Posted by Kitetsu View Post
      i've been told its as good as you want it to be
      *expects it to be phenomenal*
      Hi, i'm kinda new at this. Any tips on lucid dreaming?

    22. #147
      Dream Character folded's Avatar
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      here! Nooo . . . HERE!!
      hey Lou, there are a lot of good tutorials in that section. they are even rated by stars.

      this is what I recommend:
      • read the tutorials on dream recall FIRST. you need to do that before doing anything else. basic exercise. indispensible.
      • then, get yourself a copy of steve laberge's book, "Exploring the world of lucid dreaming" http://www.amazon.com/Exploring-World-Drea...8166&sr=8-2. Or his other "Lucid Dreaming" if you can find it. you only need one or the other. a very good foundation reference from one of the first serious researchers in the field of lucid dreaming.
      • while you're at it, read a couple of the highly rated tutorials to get a feel for what's out there. get psyched up.

      The skill takes a little work to develop. But, it's worth it! It's fun!
      This lucid dream has encountered a fatal error! Reboot? [Y/N]
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    23. #148
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      Quote Originally Posted by folded View Post
      hey Lou, there are a lot of good tutorials in that section. they are even rated by stars.

      this is what I recommend:
      • read the tutorials on dream recall FIRST. you need to do that before doing anything else. basic exercise. indispensible.
      • then, get yourself a copy of steve laberge's book, "Exploring the world of lucid dreaming" http://www.amazon.com/Exploring-World-Drea...8166&sr=8-2. Or his other "Lucid Dreaming" if you can find it. you only need one or the other. a very good foundation reference from one of the first serious researchers in the field of lucid dreaming.
      • while you're at it, read a couple of the highly rated tutorials to get a feel for what's out there. get psyched up.
      The skill takes a little work to develop. But, it's worth it! It's fun![/b]
      Thanks a lot for the help. Always been really interested in dreams but wasn't sure where to start.

    24. #149
      Dream Character folded's Avatar
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      here! Nooo . . . HERE!!
      Good luck, Lou!
      This lucid dream has encountered a fatal error! Reboot? [Y/N]
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      WILDs: 1
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    25. #150
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      Quote Originally Posted by Knuckles2126 View Post
      you could kid nap a friend and be a in the same dream. kool and all, but what if you and him got into a fight?? you'd start 2 fight?? who would win?? who would be stronger?? how in the world would u be able 2 determine that?? another brain bender...[/b]
      I have two thougts on this topic...
      1. If your friend was also able to become lucid in his or her dream, then sparring would be a lot of fun, sort of like in a movie or cartoon, with all sorts of crazy special effects.
      2. If your friend was not lucid, it would be fun to just jump into their head and become involved in their dream, if that's even possible, (I'm commenting on something that's way over my head here).

      To me, there are so many possibilities with Lucid dreaming, and that's what motivates me to try.

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