Hey everyone! I just registered last night.

I haven’t been sleeping well lately and originally my plan was to google ways to improve sleeping and staying asleep, but stumbled upon this site instead. I’m leaning towards a psychology major because things like these have always entertained my interest.

I'm really fascinated by the idea of controlling my dreams; like a lot of the people here can already do. I can remember only one time when I was younger being lucid, but it was a nightmare so I spent the whole time trying to wake myself up! If only I'd known :< lol

But anyway, I just started dream recall last night with success! I cant wait to get better at it and try lucidity.

I was wondering though, I often fall asleep to music, any idea how/if that would effect my dream state?

Any pointers or tips are happily welcomed. I do reality checks and I've heard about eating bananas, PB, cheese and apple juice so far. Anyway, that’s all, I just wanted to introduce myself and get acquainted