ahh after a long day at school I was soooo tired that I just fell asleap the second I got home! then I remember I was in the back seat of my car and my mom was driving my brother was in the front and every thing seamed normal exept that the clock had said 10:15pm. at first I didnt think much of it (due to the fact that I was still just another dream doll. then the raod went into this punie wooden stick and I looked at the clock even though it seemed about 6 hours it still said 10:15. then we pasted by this futuristic city about 1 hour latter and then... IT HIT ME I was in a dream! I looked at the colck and was pertafied it still said 10:15!!! so I tohugh grr I gota chang that clock! so i consentrated relly hard on that clock and made it about 12 am I was shocked beyond belief! it was sooooo odd and then my mom's car broke down so we had to walk but then I say theis huge cars and well it was fun racing in them and I pulled ea few stupid stunts but... it felt like I was Idk it made me feal like the creator of everything cause I could do what ever I wanted! and i could attcualy feal the fear,happieness,sadness and so forth I was compleatly aware! and i tryed to get out but I couldent so I manipulated stuff more. and I made a portal to go back to central point organ! the time aat my house was short becaues their wasnt much to do their so i did something else RELLY FUN! it turned out that I could contral the emotios of people to a point though. but man was it fun I made this tough guy beat up a bunch of children... and another odd thing was that I couldnt fly so I ahd to expand the grould below me! becase thatwas kinda how most of it worked where I could expand or shorten things. like I said before I had the power to create!!! ahh I loved that power exept it was kinda hard to control liek how I had to consentrat of stuff to change it but I loved it! their was soo much I coudl do and so il go on I could spead up time like on my school day I spead through most of it exept... their where theis people that well lke say at the seat I would normaly sit in well I sat at a diffrent spot but they would still like look over at my emptie seat and talk and then I herd my voice over their like I was suposed to be their! I didnt know what to do I mean I saw stuff coming into his hands and stuff like I was their giving then pencils and stuff but I was at the other side of the room! and then I manipulated my teachers after school to make them crown me princiable...but it would take along time to get to my goal suprem victor over my dream scape it would take alot more practice to become president. So I found a way to walk faster and that was to shrink the space around me so that I could walk on less space then after I past the place that I minimised I made it bigger but... the othewr people didnt even prilise that I had just sheunk and expanded that road to them I just walked at the speed of light! and they didnt seem to reilize that so I though to my self if they cant see the minimising and expanding of stuff I though well then that would be better for me! cause I reilized that if I can shrink odjects and the ground why cant I shrink people? so I tryed and I was able to make tinie people and gigantic people. so then I was like hmmm theis people are uglie so I though of a facial desien and warped their face to look moer normal. another fun thing was to just live in such an odd place well actualy thats the oddest part ever detail of the land was exacle like it was in real life!!! I didnt even know I knew that I rememberd every last detail but I did yay for me ^.^!!! and then after fun,fear,flatulance,sadness,happieness and most in portant of all god powers I got tired and went to my bed in my deam and fell alseap so then as I fell asleap in the dream world i awoke and fould that I had sleapt 14 hours I sleapt from 3:30pm to about 6:30am it was beyond belife!!! I could not belive that it was sooo long! and by the way if your drunk you dont have a dream for that night.