I'm Fitz, your friendly noob from the Land of Po. I'm 29 and I'm a CAD/CAM professional, cartoonist, writer, arteest and a bodybuilder I love good music, scary books and watching my DVD's with Portugese subtitles Oh yes, I love foreign languages, did a degree in two, even.

Ok enough about the boring me, let's get to the point, right?

I visited the forums quite a few times before, looking for tips, testing various -ILD's, etc. I'm not a very skilled lucid dreamer, I started to really work on it only about a year ago. But I had some success and managed to do a bunch of cool things while lucid in my dream. I also seem to have worked out my own consistent - even if not failproof - method of inducing lucidity. I'd love to share, so if anyone would be so kind to tell me where to post?