One night, I don't know which night it was on, But I was sleeping, I had a dream, I was at school and I was in the court yard, I didn't recognized the court yard in the High School but I could see full vision of the dream. I could breathe and smell the air, I felt the wind blowing on me. The sun was bright as well. I actually thought I was there. The dream looked fascinating. I actually saw students walking around getting to classes. I then started walking into the building. I heard my feet squeaking on the floor board or tile or what ever it is you call it. I saw the inside of my school. Everything was interesting. I went to the main office to call home, But something went wrong. I tried to talk to the staff person in the office, I heard my self talk, I told her I need to use the phone to call my mom, And she didn't understand a word I was saying... So I really don't know what happened there. Then I woke up. When I woke up I remembered the dream and I felt excited when I woke up. I didn't knew if it was lucid or vivid.

Was this a vivid dream? Or a lucid dream? I know lucid dreams mean you are aware you are dreaming. But I was wondering if it was vivid because that was the first realistic dream I've seen in full vision. It was kind of blurry out side though because the sun was in my eyes in the dream. I'm confused on this, So I don't know if this was vivid or not. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.