So I've had a lucid before, lasted maybe 30 seconds and I didn't do anything other than spin to change the scene, but I had one last night.

First, I was in my dream and there was a car driving in the water and I said "Hehe good thing this isn't a dream, or else I'd have to do a reality check."

Thank, Mind.

Then I woke up to the Black Eyed Peas (they will play a part into the later portions)

I saw my orange cat outside the house (that is dead and always shows up in my dreams) and immediately became lucid. I freaked out for a bit with three cats running all over the house, but I managed to make everyone cool down, I went outside and made the sun rise, rubbed my hands to increase lucidity, and decided to go fly. While flying I lost a bit of lucidity, and my dream faded into drinking with the Black Eyed Peas.

My orange cat is what made me lucid last time, would he be my recurring dream sign since he's in about 1/4 of my dreams?