I know this probably doesn’t belong to this particular forum, but since I’m still a new dreamer – I’ll qualify it for here as well as probably shoot of a copy to the upper echelon.

I just want to shoot off a message to the Dream Guide Team folks. I’ve had an opportunity to read through (not necessarily implement all) some of the tutorials. There is a lot of info there. And if a person takes the time to read it, yes it ‘all’ does have importance. Even the really loooooong ones, that occasionally I see get poked fun at for length.

Having been in the teaching setting (college – teaching dyslexic students, and a line dancing instructor for numerous years) I firmly believe that you take nothing for granted when trying to explain technique. When you take things for granted you lose people (even the little things). There are those who will always be bored (those that know what you’re teaching already), but there comes a point that there’s something even they won’t know and that’s when they become thankful that you took the time to cover something ad nauseum (sp?).

I had this happen many times teaching line dancing. I always taught to the level of the people with the least ability and then moved on. And there were those that would roll their eyes thinking, “that’s easy to learn, let’s move on please”. Eventually I would share a move that ‘they’ thought was pretty cool, and wanted to know how it was done. And I broke it down for them just the same as if they were beginning all over. And then pointed out – I could have taken the same attitude you had weeks ago, “This really isn’t that advanced a move, you just do it.” But I don’t because you have a need to know like all others, so I take the time like I did with the others. Then it sinks in to them.

I appreciate the fact that you point things out ad nauseum, because I’m a beginner, and yes, I can see other applications for this “talent” if you’d like to call it that beyond just being able to fly or whatever. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll certainly have all that fun too. But I look at posts from (Auqaninas – sorry if I butchered that) that tell us to ‘be patient’ and ‘take it slow’. Taking in all the little details about what you see while lucid, so I can keep a dream lucid (when I get to that point). I’ve read a few things from Ninja and Cusp that allude to the same thing. It’s like a broken record, but repetition is educational too, so don’t bump the phonograph quite yet-quite yet-quite yet. ** sense of humor warning**

The fun stuff, I realize, will follow.

I liken that piece of direction to singing barbershop quartet. I have fun in ‘working’ on a piece and actually visualizing (audiating) in my mind how we’re going to sound once we put it all together and get good. That’s where the fun lies for me – the work in getting there. When I hear the finished product and the ringing chords after months of singing the piece, man that’s just the icing on the cake.

Folks, I’m having fun recalling my dreams, and seeing things that I do in real life affecting my dreams. I recently read a couple pieces on attention to detail. And viola, I’m recognizing detail within my dreams (maybe not lucidly yet, but the details there where I hadn’t paid attention to it before). Lucidity to me will be the icing on the cake – AND I LIKE ICING!!!

Thank you for the time you’ve taken to put your thoughts to print. Thank you for your patience with all the newbies that come on line to learn or have fun in their dreams, or whatever our quests may entail. I guess mine go a bit beyond all that, and I see there’s a forum for that as well. I haven’t as yet visited it, but yes, I have thoughts of my own on not only implanting one’s consciousness into the dream world, but also the reverse – implanting one’s subconscious into reality. It may be nothing…. Then again.

At any rate, I thank you. It’s been fun so far (and frustrating – but that just means more work), and I’m looking forward to what’s around the corner.