Ooh - a metal detector - I would love to play with such a thing for a while, Anderj101!
And - good work and beautiful forest picture, Sefalik!

So what do I have?
I have now finally found my god!!

It might be better to say that I was swept away in divine inspiration and created HIM from materials, which I had purchased together long years past, without knowing their destination - namely the pipe-cleaners and styrofoam balls. For the meat-balls I used the red wax I had accumulated for no clear reason either, except it's like play dough. It comes with, or rather around my beloved little 'Babybel' cheeses.
This was pure destiny at work! Must have been!!

It is not just any odd god - noo - it's the famous Flying Spaghetti Monster! His very first invocation on the records was done by a certain Professor Richard Dawkins. He is also known as The FSM - He even has its very own church, and of course I joined up with them directly after this hands-on revelation:
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
My crafts are not comparable to the famous Michelangelo painting 'Touched by His Noodly Appendage' unfortunately - but a resemblance is there: