
In all of my studies of classics and medieval history, I have noticed that the symbolism and emotion behind "the spit" has changed dramatically! Yes, this is my hard earned education at work, folks:

In the early classical times, the spit was a sign of indignation and disgust. It was almost identical to our middle finger! You would spit on your son if he did not shine your shoe right! What do you do when the slave brings you a lousy sandwhich? Spit on him!

Now the medieval spit was my favorite, especially the northern cultures. When a person did the spit, other people around them would say to each other, "Wow, that guy is pissed off." It was almost like a gesture of power and aggression. Also, if you were pissed off at someone you would go, "Damn Hegthor! *Spit*" and people would know that Hegthor was going to get his ass axed some day soon. Or, if you came home and your house was on fire, you would spit in anger and people around you would raise their axes in harmony for the sake a vengence upon your home!

Now our modern day spit is pathetic. What happens if anyone spits in public? "Oh, that person is sooo gross." What happens when a woman spits? "Eww, I hate it when girls spit - it's nasty." A man? "What an arrogant piece of crap." What happened to the spit?! It has become replaced with the impersonal and boring middle finger! *Gives middle finger* Ooh, big deal, I can hold a finger up and probably bite my lip while doing it. Unlike the finger, the spit involves a viscious preperation which makes those around the person cringe with the, "Oh crap, here comes a spit" and if you were good at, people would run and hide to! What happens to someone when you give them the middle finger? They might get a little upset, maybe even give the finger back. What happens when you spit on someone? They get right pissed because your amazing saliva has graced their face and they do not know what to do about it. Better yet, they also feel like a moron for not running and hiding while you loaded the spit! Dumbass!

It is time we take back the spit! No more of this impersonal middle finger junk. When you check your email in a computer lab, at your office, at school, and you find a load of spam; yell out, "I hate spam!" then shoot a beautiful discharge of spit right onto the floor/garbage, doesn't matter, as long as you spit! Next time your boss tells you, "Hey X, go do Y" (and you know Y is always some pedantic task that his lazy ass could have easily done 1000 times), let a massive hoogey fly right onto his desk/garbage/face/wife, something! It will put him in his place and he'll probably cry.

Most importantly, when someone gives you the middle finger - spit on them!
