Hey guys, i just got the recent issue of New Scientist over here in the UK and i read an interesting article in it about a new type of therapy or treatment they found which can change the colour of your skin which i thought was pretty cool, i'll explain the details since i don't have a link to an article.

Well apparantly we have things called pigments (i could be wrong about the name) on our skin and they control the colour of our skin and when we go on holiday we sometimes expose our skin and body to the sun and this can make the pigments become more active and they change the colour of your skin to a nice tanned colour, of course it doesn't happen to all of us, believe me, i know about sun burn lol! Anyways well basically there has been some research and apparantly sometime in the near future we may see skin colour changing therapy or maybe even a pill available. Basically they found out that if you make these pigments more active and basically turn them up if you could say, it turns your skin darker, and you could change someone with dark skin into someone with light coloured skin. Its a mindblowing concept and to think that it will be possible in the near future is even stranger.

So basically we could see a complete change in how we may look, you could be black if you wanted and you could be white if you wanted, or you could be in between, its basically a DNA changing drug but its apparantly reversible so if you did change you could always go back. But i'm a bit weary about stuff that tampers with your DNA, i mean what if something went wrong, your DNA could essentially break down or screw up and lets not even go down that road.

Anyways i just thought it was a cool article, bare in mind that i may be wrong about some of the stuff i said above since i'm typing this off memory of the article, if your interested just google it and you can probably find more information on it.