A few months ago I downloaded this free app on my iphone called Naturespace, and only yesterday tried it out.

I was completely blown away.

Basically you listen with headphones, close your eyes, and enjoy. Entire "spaces" are created for you through holographic sound. It's like virtual reality of sound.

This free app comes with 5 different spaces. There is a little description that comes with each of them.

Rain Into Water
Focus on the vertical; water is falling into the lake, but also hitting leaves and foliage above and behind you. Next, examine the width of the shoreline as the water drips along the edge of the lake. The water into the lake is constant, the dripping onto the leaves from above and the splashy little fish are sporadic. Crickets are entirely behind and above as the land slopes down to the water.

Summer Mountain Valley
Focus on the rhythmic interaction of the crickets as they shift in and out of synchronicity. Visualize their positions. Notice the altitude of the distant birds. Next, observe the river in front of you. Initiate freeform creative visualization by imagining the feel of the warm morning sunlight as you wander.

Ocean Waves
Focus on the motion of a singular wave, as it approaches from the right and washes leftward. See how long you can follow the wave after it passes by. Imagine the feel of the sand on your bare feet.

Riverwind Dreaming
Focus on the height of the wind in the trees, in contrast to the height of the waterflow. Examine the pathways of the water's slow motions left and right. Focus on the natural sounds, divert attention from the tonalities, which are there to stimulate the subconscious. Stress is washed away by the water and wind.

Night at Lake Unkown
Focus on the amount of available light. Is it pitch black, or is it lit by moonlight? Next, consider the air temperature, is it cool, or warm? How about the water? Estimate the distance of the loon. This track was created to induce a sense of night. Useful for jet lag and circadian rhythm re-balancing.
I was laying in bed listening to the river wind one and couldn't believe it. I could actually feel the wind on my face and body (and kept getting crazy chills and goosebumps up my spine that felt amazing), and literally feel the cool water splash onto my legs. This audio makes you hallucinate. I could see the wind blowing through the trees high above me, and follow the river as it goes around bends and you actually follow the river as though you are floating down it on a raft or canoe. After awhile I noticed that I had the urge to dry my legs off, because they kept getting sprayed with cool water, then I realized it was just hallucinations.

Then I started listening to the ocean waves one...which is pretty dramatic. You actually feel like you are in the middle of the ocean (near the beach but not standing on the beach like the app suggests) and I almost got a sense of drowning after awhile. Like being constantly battered by these waves, I couldn't listen to it for very long, even though it was beautiful and quite fun. But I think they need to adjust the distance of the waves a little bit so you don't feel like you are drowning.

They have another one called Thunderspace that is apparently like the ultimate most amazing thunderstorm from the reviews I've read. I guess you really feel like you are in the middle of the storm. But it's $9.99 and I definitely can't be spending that much on an iphone app. Might try to see if I can download it though.

These are just the "natural spaces" they also have "journeys" which I will definitely be checking out.

If anyone else knows of some great holographic audio please share...because I am officially hooked!!!

Anyways here is the website: http://www.naturespace.com/index.php

And a little info from the site about holographic audio...

Everyone knows what we mean when we say “the sounds of nature.” Rain and thunder, birds, wind, water, crickets etc.. But it isn’t enough to just re-create the sound. All these sounds take place in unique and interesting spaces. We can hear these spaces. The sound waves that are created by the wildlife in the space bounce and reflect off all the other objects in the space. This is known as reverberation. We can detect whether we are in an open field or a canyon based on the direction, amount and type of echoes we hear. That is also why we can’t accurately recreate the space using speakers indoors; we can hear the sound reflecting off the walls so we know that we are inside. A 10x19x8 ft. indoor forest is simply not realistic enough; we can all tell the difference. Through the use of headphones, however, we can eliminate the problem of sound bouncing off the walls. The sound goes right to your ears. The accurate reproduction of spatial information generates activity in the brain that does not occur with conventional stereo recordings.

Our Journeys and Natural Spaces stimulate not only your conscious mind, but your subconscious; the part of you that is responsible for dreaming, memory, and... your heartbeat and breathing. Our intent is not to bring you just the sound of a loon, but the re-creation in your mind of the space that the loon was in, as the sound of the loon’s call cascades across the shoreline of the lake and reflects off the trees on the other side and back again. Not just the sound of wings flapping, but the re-creation in your mind of the bird passing from the right, to directly overhead and slightly behind you, to the left and then forward across the lake. The human ear-brain mechanism can accurately interpret these sounds with vivid accuracy. Our recording techniques can accurately capture them. With a good pair of headphones and closed eyes, the final re-creation at the listener’s brain can impart a true sensation of being transported. We refer to it as the “being there” experience.

Because human beings are so visually dominant, we can’t help but visualize the soundscape. Sometimes this synesthesia goes even further, where the sound of a winter forest wind on a bitterly cold day creates a sense of chill in the room, the summer crickets recall the feel of the sun on your face. The thoughts that come to you, the feelings and memories that are stirred, the place you create in your mind based on our auditory stimulus... it is you... it is your creation... and you are the only one that can create it. In the eyes of the mind, you are what you see. And because you are making it, it transcends the word re-creation. It becomes a truly unique and personal creation involving the deepest parts of your mind.