When I started getting into lucid dreams, I ran on caffeine, I got around 3 hours of sleep per night, I had no good eating habits, and I got wasted pretty much every weekend. Over the past couple of months I've made many changes to my health. Here are some that I think helped me regulate my sleep and induce dreams more frequently

1. Exercise. I'm not just talking about weights (which is what I did for a while). Cardio activity is EXTREMELY important to sleep. I believe that's the number one thing that helped me sleep and dream better. You need a slow resting heart rate to relax. Mine used to be around 100-110 beats per minutes. Now it's normally around 50-65 beats per minute, and I can relax much easier than before.

2. Eat your f**king veggies! It really is common sense. You see all of the supplements discussed in the lucid aids forum? Pretty much all of that stuff should be in your daily diet anyway. Vitamin B6 and B12 are ESSENTIAL in my opinion. I actually noticed a huge, huge difference in my energy level and clarity of mind when I started taking a daily multivitamin. I highly suggest it.

3. Third, and lastly, cut out those unhealthy stimulants and depressants. Energy drinks? bad. Soda? bad. I still drink a couple of cups of coffee in the morning so I can wake up for my early classes, but I no longer drink it after noon. Alcohol is virtually impossible to avoid living in a college town, but I have reduced my consumption quite a bit. I wouldn't recommend partying on a weekly basis.

Returning to the general point...I'm simply making the assumption that general health promotes better sleep and better dreaming. I'm not going to pull an X and Y chart out of my ass and pretend like I've done research, I'm just speaking from experience of having horrible health habits and having pretty good ones, recently. So just make smart decisions, ask yourself if what you're doing is a good choice, and do everything you can to keep yourself strong and healthy!

Dream on, friends.