I keep seeing threads that say what is good for dreaming, but we never say what specifically is bad for it. We all know what we should take to enhance the dreaming experience. But I've noticed that no matter what, if I take something negative, nothing will ever help. So, I ask you, what do you notice that absolutely wrecks your recall, lucidity, vividness, etc.?

I few things I know that don't help me at all:


Even one drink for me several hours before bed makes me lose my recall entirely. Several drinks make me wake up several times during the night, and I can't remember anything. One thing that I do notice is that the next night is usually better.

Diphenhydramine (Brand names: Benadryl, Simply Sleep, Tylenol PM, many OTC allergy/sleep preparations)

While it induces drowsiness in most people, diphenhydramine is an anticholinergic, meaning that it supresses the action of acetylcholine, the brain chemical that galantamine, choline, EGCG, and B-vitamins try to boost. Like alcohol, I find that the next night is better than normal.

Doxylamine (Active ingredient in Nyquil, some sleep aids.)

This works similar to diphenhydramne, and also has an anticholinergic effect.

I'd like others to add to this list as much as they can, so that maybe we can create a list worthy to be stickied.