Wow. I remember reading on DV that you can't accurately describe what a LD is like to someone that's never had one, and that they need to experience it for themselves; now I understand why.

I had not only my first lucid dream last night but my second as well. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Here's sorta what went down:

went to bed pretty late (a bit before I think 1) because I was bogged down in hw (although earlier in the afternoon I had taken a 3 hour nap 5-8). Anyway, during this first dream it started out not lucid and then when in the situation I was in (I'm not gunna describe in full both dreams cuz I don't have a lot of time right now before I have to start getting ready for school) I realized that some of the architecture was impossible, I suddenly became lucid, which led to a FA. Luckily I caught the FA because I remembered to do a reality check. I remember being absolutely terrified and amazed at the same time when I found out I was dreaming again, which is probably why I woke up in my FA maybe two seconds after realizing I was lucid, although to me it seemed more cuz the dream was coming to a close anyway.

After waking up I could still feel the SP which was pretty cool cuz I had been wondering what that felt like, and then after sitting still trying to remember all that I could about the lucid and the dream before I talked it out into my tape recorder (which I later transcribe into my dream journal.) Then I lied back down to go back to bed, still completely blown away by the dream I had just experience. (side note, when I woke up it was only like 1:48 so this dream probably occurred in a very short REM cycle, maybe that's why my first LD ended so soon? Then again, it easily could have just been cuz I was too excited..)

Second dream, I'm in Japan chilling out and basically had this random side adventure and basically I don't remember too well how I figured out I was dreaming but I realized that something wasn't quite right and then everything hit me. I was dreaming again. This time I was determined to keep on to the dream. Unfortunately, as soon as I became lucid, I noticed a very attractive woman a few feet from me... The dream began to fade as my mind filled with excitement with the knowledge that not only was I dreaming but I also had a nice sexy lady to do whatever I want with right in front of me. The good thing is that I recognized it was fading and remembered to rub my hands and start using all my senses to become completely aware of the dream, I also spun around a bit. Anyway, so the whole thing worked and the dream stabilized, and I enjoyed a nice 20-40 min lucid dream. When I woke up it was about 5:45.

Cool control thing I tried in the 2nd LD:

So there was this one part when these guys were like trying to attack me, but they were a kinda far away. Anyway I like held up my hand and saw that if you look away any sense of perspective, my fingers were much bigger than them. remembering sorta the thing people do in real life where they like make it look like they are holding something really large in a photo cuz the large thing is really far away, I thought I would try that in a dream. I imagined myself picking up the far away person and him suddenly becoming tiny and in my hand. Anyway I tried it and it worked! And I picked both people up and flicked them away

Sorry for making this post so long. I'm kinda really excited right now. I think the thing I didn't expect was just how amazingly real it felt when I was lucid. It kinda blew me away...

Anyway that's about it folks, I gotta go take a shower to get ready for school

Thanks for all the tutorials and info on this site, because of it I got to have this amazing experience.
