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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Dec 2010
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      Long time dreamer, first time poster.

      Hey folks,

      I joined this site to share my experiences because I need a way of documenting my dreaming and a way of running through my experiences with other people. My older brother was a Lucid Dreamer until he came to the conclusion it was fucking up his sleep so he stopped. He's interested in my experiences but he disapproves. Anyway, I have two dreams from last night and the night before last I want to document before I forget them. I've never recorded my dreams before and had no intention to do so up until five mins ago, so they're very fragmented.

      Night before last: I was was rowing a boat in the middle of a park on a sunny day when I realized that the boat was going the wrong direction (when you row you move backwards). So I just go with it from there. My history teacher was sitting on the bank of the river/pond with some (apparent) friends so I row over to them. I get to the bank but then I decide to just keep going and suddenly I'm rowing forwards through land. I got out my boat and sat down on the picnic carpet and start trying to talk to her, but she just looks at me with the same blank retarded expression that most of my dream characters seem to have when I try to reach out to them. Can't remember from there on in.

      2: I've been watching this series called Oz. It's set in a prison and I've been watching it online so I end up watching like 5 hours of it at a time. It must have had some effect on me because I dreamt I was in this in this special prison unit (in the series) called Emerald City. It was the fact that I was in the set of this series that let me know I was dreaming. I start doing the usual crap, walking around marvelling at the immense detail the mind is capable of producing until I come across on of the characters from the series, the prison shrink who's also a nun, Sister Peter-Marie. I knew I was dreaming and I knew that in the series she was a fairly down to earth character and there was probably a reason my mind put her there so I walk over to her and start talking. I took her over to a set of stairs and sat her down on them. At first I try to convince her that she is in a dream and that she is just part of my subconscious. This doesn't work, she just gives me a blank look shakes her head and tells me it isn't possible. I decide to stop trying to convince her she isn't real and start asking her questions about myself. I asked her what I wanted wanted from life and she responded "you want to go to America". I decided she was lost cause and left her behind. I was still in the prison, or at least on the set of the series. I walked up the stairs I had previously been sitting on and go into what seems to be a computer lab. I had been toying with the idea of reading a book or watching a film whilst dreaming so I turn on a computer and start watching. I can't remember the contents of the film but I remember being amazed how my mind can just pull dialogue and construct a plot and characters without any input from me. I soon decide to make the most of my dream whilst I can and go on a sexual rampage through my own mind, the only problem is I can't feel anything. This starts to annoy me so I try to wake myself up. I fail. after a while I manage, but then I realize I'm still dreaming. From there on I lose lucidity and my recollection of what happened.

    2. #2
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      hi mate welcome. i had an amazing dream of flying over parks in scotland last night. beautiful clear lakes full of little islands and amazing green, red and orange trees everywhere. it was so beautiful i tried to explain it to someone in a later dream and i just kept crying it was too amazing sweet dreams

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