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      Join Date
      Feb 2011
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      Got the weirdest LD/FA

      My first post here

      I got a deild/wild last morning. I woke up cause my bro called me cause he was looking for a book, at around 6 am prolly haha, I couldn't sleep for about 30-40 min even saw it getting light outside, but went into dream world, was still awake, i was dreaming something weird, (this is the induction) I was in the kitchen and i saw something flashing in a bowl of water on the sink but wasn't sure what it was so I tried to focus on it more, took a closer look at it, I was still awake but on the edge of falling asleep, then it became slightly lucid all of a sudden and i decided to keep going, the flashes i saw were flies that flew inside the bowl and burned to ashes hitting the water. Weird. I faded out and in a little, fell asleep eventually and i was in a lucid dream. Not sure what happened and how long it was between that and this, but I could feel the sensation of floating above my bed for a about 10-15 min or so. I even opened my eyes a few times during it to check if it was real (i was actually awake) when i closed my eyes again a few seconds later i was sleeping again and it felt i was floating again and it felt like an energy was under my back and some force. It was really nice and relaxing. Also had some other weird visuals, like a balloon was on the shelf behind my head, when i grabbed it towards me i felt a strong force pushing it back, really strong, it was really weird...I thought it was actually real, and looked for the balloon after i woke up but i didn't find it lol!

      Could someone explain me what happened to me, is this a usual ld? Or was it a kind of false awakening or obe? I have had a really strong sleep paralysis a few months ago (the first time ever) I thought i was awake but I couldn't open my eyes and could barely move myself. It was scary. It lasted for a bout a minute or 2 after i told myself to stay relaxed as possible i could open my eyes. The visuals i had are similar to what i had this morning. But it wasn't scary and I wasn't 'paralysed'.
      But everything was a familiar feeling this morning.

      I have only had a few ld's, only 1 was successful imo, a couple nights ago when I took a nap in the late evening. All senses were active especially the touch/feel sense.

      Thanks for reading, have a nice day, and happy ld'ing
      Last edited by Jack2; 02-13-2011 at 07:58 PM.

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