Hello to everyone who reads this, I'm new to this site and I was referred to this site by trying to figure out if ppl had dreams like I did several nights ago by typing in realistic dreams on google, than one thing led to another and here I am. What made me get into this LD site was that I didn't know that LD's were actually triggered by your subconscious, like telling yourself I'm dreaming, or by doing RC's. I thought they just came normally like any other dream, soon I became interested in the subject cuz it was the most coolest feeling I've ever had being able to fly and breathe underwater; anyway, in my dream I was at my house just laying down normally when all of a sudden I hear a big blast coming from outside my room so I went to go check it out, as I went outside I saw a mushroom cloud and all the ppl around me died blowing into dust I felt a little pressure all over my body making me realize I was dreaming once that happened I looked down and then up jumping high in the air causing me to fly away, suddenly I felt gravity pulling me down causing me to have a long fall (that felt like the dungeon drop from our long gone astroworld in houston tex) anyway as I fell I closed my eyes as I flinched at the ground as I fell closer then I opened my eyes again seeing my room and the bright daylight, I felt wide awake like no time was lost and like what just had happened was a couple of second ago at that point, which brings me this question if anyone can answer. Wouldn't a nightmare be another way of realizing you're dreaming triggering a LD? sorry it was long but I'm excited. :-D thanks