1st: Hi everyone. Well, I don't know what to call this, but I found my self on the corner of my bed and talking to a shadowed figure. He was standing in the corner of my room next to my guitar. He said, "Will you do something for me?" Then I said, "what?" Then I got up from and rushed to turn on the light lol. I think that this was a lucid dream, but i thought electronics don't work in lucid dreams? Anyways, I thought that It was waking life, and there was actually someone in my room. But stupid me didn't do a realty check so I just went to bed. I don't remember falling a sleep. I just feel asleep like instantly.

2nd: I found my self up again, but this time I was unplugging my phone for some reason. But I thought, "Why the fuck am I unplugging my phone?" I mean it was strange. I got up out of bed to instantly unplug my phone? Something was up. I remember looking at all the electronics and no lights where on in the house. Everything was completely dark. I don't know if this was a lucid dream or an OBE?

3rd: I found self doing realty checks in a dream. I kept looking at the clock in my kitchen and noticed that the time was changing every time I looked at it. I then looked at my hands and realized that I had 7 fingers lol. So I was sort of lucid I guess? I wasn't in complete control. The dream only lasted for a few seconds then it went pitch black and I woke up.

4th: I found my self talking to a showed figure again. Only this time it wasn't in my room. I was in a wired place. I then realized I was dreaming and told the shadowed figure to transform into a hot Asian chick and it did. The shadowed figure was made out of smoke this time, black dark smoke.

That's about it lol. I hope you enjoy reading my experiences. I have another one, but It's about astral projection. I didn't meant to astral project. I did it accidentally. It was the first I ever tried lucid dreaming.