I had my 4th LD this morning at about 5am. I woke up at 4:45 and decided to not to the gym and instead sleep in. (now i'm glad I did!) All I can remember from the beginning of the dream, is that we were in this classroom at my school and this guy had a machine. The machine was hooked up to headphones and we put the headphones on. I'm not sure if he said the headphones induced lucid dreams or were supposed to or what..... but whatever happened, I reality checked shortly after taking them off and found myself lucid. Now that I typed this all out I'm recognizing it was probably DILD, which makes the thread pointless.... But i'll continue to tell you about my dream! I looked down at my hands for my RC to find once again 6 fingers on one of my hands. I have calluses on my hands from working out, but in my dream I had these huge continuously moving and shifting calluses in the middle of my palms, it was pretty cool. I focused down on my hands and rubbed them together to stabilize the dream. It was strange, everybody else that I was with said they were lucid too, but we were all just sitting around a table. Who wants to sit around a table and chit chat when you could be out doing anything? I don't know why I didn't take full lead of my dream and just ditch everybody and go do my own thing Instead, I stayed with them and got them to come outside like I insisted but they were playing catch so I decided to stay and play.... Also I had to blink several times in my dream, the first time I resisted and just made my burning eye feeling go away with concentration. Then I actually did blink a few times later on and was happy to find it didn't wake me up If i just didn't think it would. I can't remember the rest of the dream, although I do recall the first thing I did when I got outside was try to do a big fancy fire-bender kick karate thing. It didn't work though hahah. Well it was a good experience although next time I am lucid I am going to ditch whatever I am doing and find something or somewhere else to go, I think I was losing lucidity because I was going with the dream and the people in it. I know I had another dream I could remember but put all of my effort into remembering the LD and forgot the other.

Today is Friday.... so tomorrow i can sleep in and have that big LD I am looking for to finally have fun > Happy Dreaming errybody