I don't remember exactly how it started but from what I remember it started with me in my old school after school (I transferred high schools). I say hi to all my friends and I get to one of my friends. When I say hi she says hi and leans in to kiss me. I start to think to myself, "what the hell is she doing?" She says something I can't remember what she said exactly but is was something like "alright fine no kiss for you then." I didn't want to offend her so I kissed her. But it was like that wasn't the first time I kissed her. It felt like we have been together for some time. So I ended up staying at the school and hanging out with her ( I don't remember what we did). But as we were hanging out, I woke up. It felt as I was really awake and I started thinking, "wait, so what that a dream or am I actually with Ana?" Didn't want to do anything wrong so I was going to try and get an answer out of her without her knowing. So it was after school again (I guess in my dream I didn't go to school that day) and I went to my old high school. I saw Ana and I was ready to find out but also nervous. As I was walking to her I woke up.

Thanks for reading I just thought id share since it was my first false awakening experience.