• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #176
      Member Gabriel S's Avatar
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      Oct 2006
      I had my first LD with MILD and RC. I had a vivid dream were I was walking in my basement, with water up to my waist. I woke up, and wrote the drem in my DJ, and then went back to slep focusing on returing to the waterfilled basement and realise that it was weird.

      I Ended up in my kitchen, where i found my cat in the oven!! i opend it emedeiately and the cat ran away. I then went down In my basement where i found my friends dog. A black mops, that I started to cudle with. I then started to think why dog was in my basement, and thus ended up lucid. I freaked out, because how realistic everything was, and the thought that I was at two places at the same time, in my bed, and in the basement. Everything faded out and a new dream started.
      I was still lucid, but on a lower level. I tried flying, didn´t work. Then tried to make some rolerblades appear on my feets, didn´t work either. Then walked in to a slaughter house, where i was certain that i knew a girl, like a " dream friend " that I had met before in a normal dream or something. I met her, and we were just about to kiss, when my alarmclock rang. I woke up panting and with a very fast heartbeat. And I was sooooooo happy!!!!

    2. #177
      Your cat ate my baby Pyrofan1's Avatar
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      Well my school was having a snowball fight (girls vs. boys) and i made a flying camera and i guess we won (Boys) and i was walking home with my friends and showing them the flying camera and there was no snow on the ground and we found some run down apartments and started exploring them, and a lady saw us and told us to follow us and we were talking and she said "Are you sure this isn't a dream" and i went over to her fish tank and the fish were swimming out side of it and i went lucid, i lite some stuff on fire and went outside and it was raining and i suddenly thought something along the lines of "Man has tried, to control the greatest force in the world: lightning, but have failed" and i woke up.

    3. #178
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Ottawa, Ontario
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      Escape from Damnation / First Flight</span>

      I&#39;m strictly an observer, have no body, am not really there, I just see. What I see are beings, creatures, locked in eternal combat. They tear each other apart, only to regenerate painfully, torn flesh pulling itself back together, only to rise up again and continue the battle. It seems the only reason the attack each other is because if they don&#39;t, the others will kill them first. (Kind of like the the Lower Primate Commitee Thinking Experiment) They fight with weapons, or tooth and nail. Watching the sheer greusome ferocity, I know this is Hell.

      I see a furry guy get blown to absolute smithereens, and splatterd across a wall. His pulpy remains start to creep together into one furry, fleshy mass in the center of the wall. That wall then become the wall of room full of people, including my brother and myself. The furry patch on the wall remains and there is no way out of the room.

      Everyone in the room knows that if we touch that patch of fur, all hell will break loose, like I had just witnessed. Only we would be the ones doomed to tear each other apart for all eternity. My brother goes up to the patch and touches it really quick, jokingly, but nothing happens.

      Nobody wants to touch the patch of fur, but there is no way out of the room, no food, no bathrooms, just a lot of people in a tight space beginning to panic.

      People are starting to freak out and I realize the bitter irony of the situation. It&#39;s going to just as bad in this room as the hell I had witnessed wether we touch the patch of fur or not. The frenzied killing I had just seen was a direct of the mass hysteria i was standing in.

      Things are just about to approach the breaking point, and i think "NO NO NO NO NOOOOOO&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; This can&#39;t be happening&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;"

      And i realize it IS a dream. But I still want to get out of that room as badly as ever, so without thinking, I dive THROUGH the wall. I come out the other side of the wall, a little suprised it worked, and totally unprepared for the hard ground I&#39;m about to hit in a very bad fall. But before I hit, I figure since I&#39;m already stretched out like Superman from the dive through the wall, I might as well fly&#33;

      So I do&#33; I fly and fly, stay lucid for quite awhile. But eventually my legs started to sag down. It was like trying to float on the water but not being able keep your legs up (a vived childhood memory from my grandmother&#39;s pool). With my legs dragging I gently sank to the ground

      <span style="color:#FF0000">Once on the ground I see a forest of giant crystal mushrooms, which was so fantastically beautiful, I completely forgot about every that had just happened and went off to take a close look

      I recently read about Emmanuel Swedenborg, the guy who coined the term hypnagogic. That dream bore a remarkable resemblance to some of the hells he described.

    4. #179
      Member 90sjesus's Avatar
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      I actually woke up for real, and was in the twilight zone for about 2 seconds, and then felt like I was floating out of my body. I&#39;m not sure if I actually had an out of body experience, or whether I just dreamt that I did, but it sure felt weird. I floated up towards the ceiling, slowly came down to the floor and seemed to bounce off of the floor&#33; And then I hovered for a few more seconds, and then settled on my bedroom floor. I opened my eyes and everything was very fuzzy. I stood up, and was unable to keep my balance, and kept falling over, going really far to each side. After a few minutes, I finally kept my balance, and my vision became clearer, and I realised my bedroom looked different to how it was the night before i had gone to sleep, as I&#39;d rearranged it.

      My room then seemed to fade away, and I was in a room where 3 colours were very strong, red, blue and yellow (also the primary colours, weird huh?) I think they were the colours of the walls or something, but I just seem to remember those colours being particularly strong. I seemed to be upstairs in a houe i&#39;d never been in before. I knew I was dreaming. I decided to try and make the person I had a crush on appear. I tried using a technique I had read about, where you imagine they are behind a door and open it. I became aware that there were some doors on the wall to my left. I opened one door, and a different person was there, my friend Luke. I closed the door, and tried again, and instead, I was there&#33;&#33; Another version of me&#33; And then it seemed to merge into a mirror, and I was just looking at myself in a mirror, and my eyes looked very strange, and my skin seemed to peel or burn or something - something weird happened that made me turn away.

      I then saw a black cat run across the room, and I somehow managed to convert this cat into the person I have a crush on with mind power&#33; It was incredibly strange to see the cat transform in front of me. However, the person I had brought into my dream was lifeless, kind of like a doll.

      The rest is very fuzzy to me. Something happened with some stairs at first door I had opened - someone tried to push me down the stairs - i think it was the person I had a crush on.
      I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter
      These are 21 Things I choose to choose in a lover

    5. #180
      Join Date
      Nov 2006
      I was doing reality checks during the day where I would try to fly whenever I asked myself if I am dreaming or not. So I asked myself if I was dreaming or not during sleep and sure enough I flew straight up in the air past the clouds. I saw two killer whales swimming so calmly in the atmosphere side by side. Their black and white color was striking. The clouds underneath were a purpulish pink and reflected the sunlight beautifully.

      All of a sudden I was somewhere else and i had a wooden doll in my hand. I was trying to sort of move it but each time I would move it&#39;s arms or legs in a way that it was not supposed to be moved, I would hear the weirdest electronic "error" sound like a biiiiiizzzzzzzz.

      Then I woke up
      surrender to the knowledge that the moment is perfect. moment, moment, moment, moment, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect....

    6. #181
      Member hop_ic's Avatar
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      Dec 2005
      Last night...

      First LD and it was WILD too&#33;
      I laid down on my bed at 12:00am. I did the 61 points of relaxation and then after I was done. BAM&#33; I was in SP. Then after a while I could not feel my physical body anymore.

      I looked at my hands and I realized i was LDing. So immediately I took off running super fast, as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog. I was zipping past pedestrians in New York City and running on loops and jumps kinda like Sonic games. After getting comfortable I then took off flying over and in between skyscrapers. I started to get bored so I imagined up some robots and vanquished them with my oozy while flying in the air. I was pleased with my LD and decided to stop and just regularly dream.
      OBEs since joining- 6
      WILDS since joining- 1

      "Nothing happens unless first we dream."

      My Dream Journal Check it out&#33;

    7. #182
      Member Shadow Wolf's Avatar
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      Nov 2006
      First Lucid,

      Not really a good LD, but a first. I became lucid when a few DC friends from school were talking about dreaming, I did a RC and found out I was dreaming, I only really managed to try to fly and failed, hopefully the next one will be much better than the first.
      Shadow Wolf

      Adopted By: Gwendolyn

      Dilds:0|Wilds:0|Milds:0|SP:6|High Lucid Dream Count:0|

    8. #183
      lucid serial killer BPolar's Avatar
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      Oct 2006



      sorry if i write this crazy but im very excited&#33; last night while laying in bed falling asleep, i focused on my breathing, and for every breath i took, i would count like "ONE, IM DREAMING, TWO, IM DREAMING" you know what i mean. So then i drift off to sleep.

      Next thing i know (probably happened much later in the night though) i find myself floating out of my bed, and floating around my house. I think this was a very low level of lucidity, because i told myself "im dreaming" and kept flying around my house. Even though i was in my house i could feel wind against my face and that felt very real. I tried looking at my hands to increase the vividness and lucidity, they looked normal but a little transparent. I then made a half assed attempt to rub them together, but i dont remember what that did. Then, i did some spinning and ended up on a huge chess board looking thing and told myself again that im dreaming. So i said fuck it, im dreaming, im gettin naked&#33; and i did.

      i then proceeded to walk across the chess board looking for DC&#39;s. The first one i came across was a female and i slapped her. Very unlike myself in the real world, but thats what happened. She didnt even seem to mind. The next DC i came across was a dude, and i remembered this site so i asked him "Do you know this is just my dream and your not real?" He was like "whatever" so i slapped him too. Did some more flying then i woke up. I remember thinking i gotta write down some key words here in my dream journal so i dont forget about this when i have to wake up again for work.

      so i wrote down-

      possible lucid




      slap DC&#39;s

      i figured i would remember the whole dream by writing those words down. and i went back to sleep

      then at 7am, my alarm goes off and i look in my dream journal right away to look at the words i wrote down, but there was nothing there&#33; FALSE AWAKENING&#33; WOW&#33; it seemed so real

      the false awakening part where i wrote in my journal is the most realistic dream i ever had. I do remember the digital clock in my room going kinda nuts as i wrote in the dream journal, but it didnt dawn on me to do a RC. From now on im doing an RC every time i wake up.


      best discovery of my entire life
      am i dreaming?

    9. #184
      Member ALovelyWay2Burn's Avatar
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      East Coast
      My first LD: I was in Sam&#39;s Club, which was a dream sign because I&#39;m a 16 year old male, Sam&#39;s club isn&#39;t exactly my choice of place to hang out, so the first thing I did was jump up in the air and I just kept going up and I realized I was flying and I tried to level out and i flew for a little while but lost control and ran into a pyramid of tires and the collision woke me up. I woke up and was stoked.
      <span style="font-family:Arial">I hate the ending myself,
      but it started with an alright scene.</span>

    10. #185
      Member BenQ's Avatar
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      Jul 2006


      My first lucid dream...

      I was at work and I picked up the phone to call someone. I noticed the numbers were all whacky and it just didn&#39;t make sense, and this was what made me realize I was dreaming.

      I excited ran into the hallway, and my friend Jeff was there - with whom I frequently spoke about lucid dreaming and dreams with in my waking life - and I excitedly grabbed him by the shoulders exclaiming, "Jeff, Jeff&#33; I&#39;m dreaming&#33;"

      Then my boss was standing there and I watched (without any control) as her body turned into a skeleton, and then I woke up.

      That was about 6 years ago.

    11. #186
      Living Dead Girl DeadDollKitty's Avatar
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      my first LD? at least the one i remember... lemme see... i turned myself into a red dragon. and i was in one of those old broken down tenement houses where people are decaying in the corners. i tried getting my b/f in there, but as i tried, i woke up.. kinda fun but ive had better ones afterwards

      Adopted: Ska

    12. #187
      Oneironaut Warrior DK Assasin Indy's Avatar
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      Czech Republic
      I had my first natural LD when I was about 5 years old. I was in big old building and the entire building was filled with toys and everything what kids want. I wandered inside the big hallways and I entered many rooms. But in only one room was everything what I wanted. After some period of time, toys were dissapearing from other rooms. It was depressing, the building was now empty and it was in ruins. No toys. Then I simply gained lucidity, so I was trying to save and try as much toys I can (of course I could create my own toys, but this dream was something between semi-lucid and lucid dream, I was simply too clumsy for some advanced things like spinning, flying or object creation). Then I left the building and I went along the road. There was wery huge traffic activity. Suddenly I wanted to commit a suicide (kids have strange ideas) by jumping to the center of road, (I just wanted to know, if we can feel pain in our dreams), but I wasn&#39;t able to do that. I was afraid of death, even in LD, so I have lost my lucidity and woke up.
      <div align="center">Everything is forgettable.</span></div>
      <div align="center">WILD: 14
      MILD: 1
      DILD: 5
      VILD: 1
      HILD: 1</div>
      <div align="left">Favourite RC: To pinch my nose
      Ilusion is enough for me, but if you don't give me ilusion, then I have to destroy reality.
      The one, who admits his own stupidity isn't stupid at all.
      <span style="color:#FF0000">Nullus est liber tam malus, ut non aliqua parte prosit.
      Quidquid discis, tibi discis.

      My Deviant Art</div>

    13. #188
      Join Date
      Apr 2006
      I was having a nightmare. This girl (who was a murderer) was talking to me in a cave that was on the top of a cliff. She told me that she was going to kill me. All of a sudden I became lucid. I told the girl to melt (she turned in to this blob of goo ) Then I flew out of the cave and explored a bit. I then tried to make a piece of chocolate appear but it didnt work. Then I woke up. It was a very cool dream.
      She's born to mesmer...
      LD count: 3

    14. #189
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Prague, Czech republic
      Hi dreamers&#33;

      It was DILD, I was dreaming about sea and dead fish, it was movie-like dream. The music I heard was strange. "Where it plays from?" I said to myself. "There are no speakers or any equivalent source". Suddenly I realized that I was dreaming. I could not believe it. "Is this really dream?", "Yes it is..." I can remember where I am physically sleeping. I looked around and tried to fly. It almost did not work. I woke up then, after 15 secs of lucidity...

      This all happened at the night on 9/3/2006.

    15. #190
      Member BohmaN's Avatar
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      Sep 2006
      weii, I had my first lucid dream a few weaks ago and it was amazing, but short, because i got over excited

      I was i Japan all alone and I was at the cinema paying for a ticket. I remember that the ticket cost like 10 bucks but i only had 9. The cute japanese girl accepted it and i went in realizing that Hurley from LOST joined my company and we started speaking with each other.

      While in the cinema I my class joined me somehow and i got astonished. LOST was playing on the silver screen and The Grudge was in it too. Then it was like break in the movie or something and Hurley was speaking to the crowd and suddenly i realized i was dreaming. SO COOL i thought and i couldn&#39;t stop myself from trying to fly away. I floated up in the air, through the roof of the cinema and up in the night. And with great speed i floated up in space but somwhere between i got over excited and awoke
      Currently practicing WILD. I quote Kaniaz who said it best: "The point of WILD is to piss me off". Though, I have not given up, far from it.

    16. #191
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      Dec 2006
      I will try and give a brief description, but the dream seemed to just go on and on. I started out running from a race of people that were somehow different. There were lots of "us-the good guys" and "them-the bad guys" but you couldn&#39;t really tell by looking at them whether they were good or bad-you just seemed to know. Anyway, one of the bad guys was trying to make friends with my daughter until someone told me that he was a perv and that I shouldn&#39;t let him get close to her. I became so mad in my dream that the intensity of my emotions made me realize I was dreaming. I started hitting this guy and throwing things at him with my mind and I suddenly realized if I didn&#39;t stop I would kill him. I then tried to rationalize whether or not it would be okay to kill him since it was just a dream. Then it hit me-what am I wasting my time on this for-I want to fly&#33; I tried my best to get off the ground but with little success. It was like I was walking on the moon. I climbed to the top of a building and was sitting on the window about to jump, but I was afraid if I wasn&#39;t successful at flying that I would wake up when I hit the ground. (I knew I wouldn&#39;t be hurt-but I didn&#39;t want to wake up yet.)

      The next thing I did was to go to the top of a mountain slope to try and fly down. But there were all these trees and boulders in my way. I put my hands up in the air and started to throw them down the side of the mountain when suddenly, the one I was standing on started sliding too. I kind of floated through the air and unfortunately into consciousnes as well. But it was so exciting that I couldn&#39;t go back to sleep for hours&#33;

      Anyway, sorry to go on so long but I just had to share my first LD experience.

    17. #192
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      Dec 2006
      I was at this place, with my dad, and I was trying to find a book. I had picked it up and read the first page, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever read, but then someone took it. I was running around all over the place trying to find it, but when I found it again, it was blank. Somehow, I realized I was dreaming then, and ran outside, and jumped in the air, and flew to the roof of another building. On the roof of this building was a hot tub, and in it was this boy who I hadn&#39;t seen for years, but I still liked (and I had never told him I liked him either. So sad.) I got in the hot tub with him and kissed him, but then I woke up, I think because I was so excited.

      I was about 12 or 13 when I had that dream, and it is the first lucid dream I ever had that I remember.

    18. #193
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      My first lucid dream was on the first day after I found this site. I was sitting on the couch in my living room, and my dog, Zeus, came in, but had my brother&#39;s head; I thought, "Holy crap&#33; I&#39;m dreaming&#33;" Then, I got up, threw a large wooden chair through the wall, and started punching holes in it. That&#39;s all I remember.

    19. #194
      Member Jeremysr's Avatar
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      Jan 2007
      When I was about 9 I had my first lucid dream (that I remember.) I didn&#39;t know about lucid dreams until a couple days ago when I found this site. But when I was about 9 when I had the dream I had still wondered why I never realized I was dreaming when I was.

      All I remember is a tiny part of the dream, right when I realized I was dreaming. I was standing behind a car, which was stopped by the side of a big highway. It was dark. I saw myself there, with 2 policemen behind the car too I think. The trunk was open. Then I suddenly said (or saw myself say) something like "I&#39;m dreaming.." But that&#39;s all I remember...

    20. #195
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      Jan 2007
      I woke up about 4 o clock (after 5-6 hours of sleep) and remembered nothing from my dream except one part, so I wrote it down, and then I tried to MILD my way into a Lucid Dream, but I just couldn&#39;t fall asleep, by the time I figured this, I looked at my clock and it said 4:20, so I thought to myself, may as well try to do a WILD at least, no point in just sitting here awake. So I did the breathe in, breathe out, one.. technique, and nothing worked so i was like whatever I&#39;ll just go back to sleep. As I was falling asleep I kept doing RC&#39;s (just the nose one), and eventually I began breathing with my nose closed, I was astounded and got a huge adrenaline rush, I look at my digital clock and I see nothnig but a red dot, so I got pretty happy...I then close my eyes and shake my head and look and all my friends are there and so on. But my legs seemed extremely heavy...too heavy for me to move which made a little disapointed. Then I soonly woke up and got really excited again, and had a hard time sleeping yet again&#33;

      I eventually fell asleep, and in my dream randomly did a RC, and I realized I had a 2nd chance&#33; So i ran outside and yelled"LUCIDITY NOW&#33;".......LUCIDITY NOW&#33;" To brighten up the world around me, but it still stayed dark out..So I thought oh well, so then I just jumped and began flying, but it was waaay too dark to see anything so I just stopped and decided to get on with my dream...which I did other things which I can&#39;t seem to remember ... ...But I remember an inability to manifest and change the surroundings.

      The context may be wrong from it is a post from here
      Just Learning now...Exploring the field.

      Lucid Dreams
      DILD- 4

      "Every man&#39;s actions confide on the man in front of them, our ambitions are clear"

    21. #196
      Member padawan's Avatar
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      Idaho Falls, ID
      I know I&#39;ve had two LDs in my life, but I can only remember the first one... Neither of them happened because I wanted to. For some reason I found out I was dreaming.

      I think I was 6 years old. I was playing with a ball, so I don&#39;t know how but I realized I was dreaming then I sat on the ball and started floating, watching my house from the sky...

      The most amazing experience I&#39;ve ever had in my life.
      Striving not to strive...

    22. #197
      Member Sandra's Avatar
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      Behind you
      Wednesday 6 - Thursday 7 July 2005

      Elevator Flying</span>
      First Lucid Dream

      I was in a building and I got out an elevator. You could go out and in the elevator on two sides. When the elevator was up I wanted to get out, but it didn’t work. It already went down again before I could go out. When I was down I went up again, but then I saw my rector. He didn’t see me; at least that’s what I thought. I got a sort of adrenaline kick.

      When I was up with the elevator again and I wanted to get up, the elevator went down again before I could get out. I decide to take the stairs. I walk to the stairs and fly over it. I was just on time, so the rector didn’t see me. I fly further over the stairs and realise I’m flying. Then I must be dreaming, because normally you can’t fly&#33; I get a sort of kick, because this is my first Lucid Dream. I remember I had this dream before, but at that time I wasn’t lucid. I was also trying to be away from someone and the elevator acted weird at that time too.

      I fly further to see how it is to fly. It was the first time from what I remember that I flew. It feels a bit weird. I’m flying away from the building, outside.

      <span style="color:royalblue">Eventually I wake up and I was really happy. This was my first Lucid Dream and the first time I flew in a dream =D (At time of writing this it is - as you can see if you look at the date - already 1,5 year ago.)

    23. #198
      Member Jemina's Avatar
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      I&#39;ve had 2 Lucid Dreams very early on, and I can&#39;t remember what dream came first. I think I was about 5 or 6 years old at the time.

      I once had a dream about some mean disney characters chasing me, so I hid under the table thinking "this must be a dream, wake up&#33;" and then I did wake up.

      I also used to have these dreams about stick men. I was a stick girl living in a stick world, and everything was made of sticks. And I had this dream almost every night. It was always the same thing happening in the dream. I walked towards my house, and I met a stick boy and I followed him into a room to the left, and then I woke up.
      So I thought one night before I went to bed that when I usually followed that boy into the room I&#39;d try to walk the opposite direction instead. And in my dream that night I turned to the right and walked away from the stickboy, instead of after him.

      But my whole dream started shaking really hard, and I woke up with a huge pain in my jaw. It was kind of weird. And no one ever believed me.

    24. #199
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      To bad I didn&#39;t do much. Ok here is what happened.

      I was at our school and for some reason grandpa was fighting with this woman and her husband because they were making zombie guys with this string stuff. So he broke it by kicking it over, then I went on Diablo on the school computers and i just was talking to people and these zombies keep killing me. and on the screen it say&#39;s you been killed, i keep respawning were i died for some reason. Then this one zombie comes over and says. "DO A RC NOW&#33;" on the screen, so I think wtf? and so I do it and, WHOA&#33; I can breath through my nose&#33; awesome&#33; (I felt my heart racing because i was excited) the images start going black so i try to calm down, and it eventually comes back then i go over to my friends and the tables, I say "look at this&#33;" and i do it. they just sit there not talking... I say "what should i do now&#33;?" still no answer.
      "common guys please&#33;" nothing.. then I wake up
      Number of times become lucid: 15

      abilities: flying,regeneration,spiderwebs, invisibility,control weather, Power Ball.

      Fear the mighty power of the wishing paper!
      Kick Ass Robot

    25. #200
      Member Oneirity Rising's Avatar
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      Feb 2007
      My first lucid dream happened maybe five or six years ago. Normally, the part of my brain that does the rationalizing goes to pretty ridiculously extreme lengths to keep me from realizing I&#39;m dreaming, but in this case it must have been busy with something else or some such. In any case, I found myself riding a school bus, and out of nowhere the thought pops into my head, "I think I might be dreaming (despite no real dreamsigns or anything of the sort). If I was dreaming, I could fly through this window and out into the sky." Which, because I was dreaming, I proceeded to do. The problem was that this only resulted in me being partially lucid for a total of about half a second, and then I got distracted by flying and sort of faded out from there. So many missed possibilities...
      "You know that place between sleep and awake... the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll be waiting."

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