Hey everyone, its me again..i haven't been around in a few, but i haven't forgotten about this place...

Well i had another LD..i think i even may have had 2 in one night, but im not sure...


[ Dream]

I was in this school lunch room and there was this guy there, and I remember being able to see his hands..and for some reason i was just like "This is a dream!"

So after that, i guess there were 3 people in the lunch room type thing, and i made them vanish!!! Then i suimmon'd my sister into my dream...and i stood there lookin at her but it all seeme'd out of focus...I think it was all a LOW LEVEL LD because i had smoked weed before bed lol!

Anywho i just stood there a few seconds before waking up after i summon'd my sister

So yah, my 12th LD, very short...probably due to the weed factor so i think im gonna cut back on that majorly or just quit again lol

anywho thought i would share


dj jones