Originally posted by Leo Volont
No, it is not always necessary to be Lucid. *In the olden days of Dream Work, people did not even know about Lucid Dreaming. *They would simply work on their Dreams through repeated auto-suggestion and affirmation. *We would go over dreams in our minds and fantasize alternative actions. *We would daydream about our dreams while in alpha-state. *This concern about our Dreaming would indeed seep down to the Subconscious Mind and our dreams would be influenced in the direction of our intent, that is, of course, if the Subconscious Mind agreed. *As with Lucid Dreaming, the agenda of the Subconscious Mind always has to be considered. *As they say in Taoism, it is easier to swim with the current then against it. *
Developing a Lucid Dreaming Checklist, and using Auto-suggestion and Affirmation while using Alpha State daydreaming to imagine the direction you wish your dreams to take, can work as well today as it did thirty years ago, before Lucid Dreaming, and it can help you in your Lucid Dreaming, now that it is one of the tools we have in Dreaming -- an important tool, to be sure, but not the only tool. *
Now, about Body Image. *I wish I had done more work in that direction. *And I am not privy to any literatures or studies or ancient treatises that focused on the issue. *Yet, it is a common concern amoung advanced dreamers. *Sickness and Injury of one's own Physical Body Image while sometimes dreaming of being in alternate Body Images. *It must be leading to some ultimate objective, which I am only guessing about. *But much of my job is in making guesses, which are tested through for result, and I'm pretty good at it.
You wrote that such images are a common concern amongst advanced dreamers. I don't consider myself an advanced dreamer, for what is a good definition. I just wonder why I had sleep paralysis, OBE, and can always re-enter the same dream I awoke from, etc, without actually trying. It's only after learning that such things exist and have names did I read info on it and try to get better. It's just that I read on here that people try all these different means of attaining lucidity and sleep paralysis and I merely have to desire to have it -- even after not having it for months. I wanted to have it back and a day later I did. There has to be more to this all than my waking mind, something much much deeper for it to all make sense.
If I lucid dream or have SP again tonight, I'll take a look at myself. That is, if it doesn't get too freaky.