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    1. #1
      Member Khaz's Avatar
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      My first LD...?!

      I absolutely can't believe it! I've only been trying for under 2 weeks now, but I think I just had my first LD (that is, first in the last 12ish years/first knowing what it was)!!!

      Oddly enough, I wasn't even trying to have one when I went to sleep last night. I was however trying to make myself wake up right after my dreams and remember them, (still working on recall). I guess I succeeded at that, since I woke up almost exactly 1 minute before my alarm went off! (That was -really- creepy to me).

      The basic deatils:

      I don't remember how the dream started, but I remember at some point, for some reason, doing a reality check in my dream. After successfully putting my finger through my palm, I realized I was dreaming. (this also seems odd to me, since that's not one I use most often.)

      Oddly, I wasn't really excited or anything, I just went to have fun with it in this building I was in. I've always wanted to fly when I finally had an LD, so I tried. I managed to lift myself off the floor a fair bit with next to no effort by pushing down on a table, but couldn't stay up. I then went upstairs to try jumping down to the floor below, to see if that would do it. Somehow on the way, I ended up at some house with my brothers. I told them it was a dream, and for some reason went through explaining to them how to do a RC... After that point, I think i kind of just forgot it was a dream, and it continued 'normally'.

      The odd thing about this, is that I didn't seem all that 'conscious' or 'in control'. I have to say, it REALLY seems to me like I was dreaming that I knew I was dreaming. As in, my mind was simply acting out in a dream what I would do in an LD, without it actually being one... I don't know what qualifies as lucid, but I don't know... It just didn't seem like I was in control. That's probably normal for a first time, but I'm not sure.

      Anyways, I did enjoy the experience, and whether it was actually real or not, I'm still enthusiastic!

      Now I just have to learn to do it on purpose!
      LDs: 4.5
      Was once adopted by Amethyst Star. Thanks, Ame, for the help.

      -Given Up On Lucid Dreaming Indefinitely-

    2. #2
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      NitePhlight's Avatar
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      The same thing happened to me the night after I discovered this site. I had an experience where I woke up in my room, then realized I was LDing. I didn't quite have full control nor did I have totally rational thought, but I realized that I was dreaming and I tried to calm myself down to keep it. It rushed away from me soon, but in the morning it almost felt like I had dreamed OF LDing. I think in retrospect, what I experienced definatly was lucidity; afterall, if you realize it's a dream, are you not already lucid? Congratulations on your first LD! I'm waiting to try my first WILD right now

    3. #3
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Congrats Khaz. 8)

      And to clear up any confusion; Yes that was a lucid dream. There are different levels of lucidity. Lucidity is something you can compare to being awake. When you first wake up, and you're hardly out of bed, you're usually not in so much control of yourself that you can jump out of bed, throw, on some shoes and enter a pit-fighting competition and expect to act at full ability. You're groggy, disoriented, but still lucid enough to know that you're awake.
      Just realizing you are dreaming is the lowest stage of lucidity. Everything beyond that is extra credit.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    4. #4
      Member Khaz's Avatar
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      Well, I wasn't quite sure whether to make a new thread over this, but opting on the side of not further cluttering up the board, I decided to post it here.

      I had another first last night. My Second LD, followed immdeiately by my first false awakening...

      Only this was kind of weird.

      I was in a dream, and something wasn't quite working right, so I did a reality check by looking at my watch, and realized I was dreaming. It didn't last long at all, though. That very instant, before I even got a chance to get too excited, there was a blinding flash of light, accompanied by a lot of pain (!!!), that came from nowhere (I would describe it as akin to being struck by lightning, even though I was indoors). I then woke up still dreaming (curse my not doing an RC when I woke up!), and wrote it all down, only to actually wake up immdeiately after.

      After all this, I was kinda scared and depressed, and (although this may have just been my imagination being dramatic) I got an impression that there was some.... thing that didn't want me to succeed then, and caused that flash of light. I have to say, it was a disappointing night.

      Anyone else ever had this sort of thing, any insights?
      LDs: 4.5
      Was once adopted by Amethyst Star. Thanks, Ame, for the help.

      -Given Up On Lucid Dreaming Indefinitely-


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