omg omg it was so fun! My first lucid dream in probably 4 years! I was walking in my old hometown (which is ALWAYS in my dreams for some reason ) Anywho, well I was walking in the wintertime and really really randomly I sat on that brownish wet snow along curbs you know? Well I did and it didn't get me wet and I'm all like, wait... I'm all dry... and why am I not cold?? HOLY CRAP! lol Well I calmed myself down in fear of waking up but I rushed a lot just like, what to do what to do... so I got naked. LOL Hey man, everyone does that AT SOME POINT in a lucid dream. So I was just strolling down the street ad my friend saw me and freaked out so I made myself decent and started chatting he then said "Wake up" and I woke up....... yeah..... random dreams of I!