• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      FreeSpirit RooJ's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2005

      The party! and a method to prolong lucid dreams

      Yeah its a long post, if you really want to miss out you can always skip to the summary .

      It started with me becoming lucid in the next door neighbours garden, i was intrigued by some objects that wern't there in real life. Shortly after becoming lucid i began to lose lucidity and in an effort to fight it decided to try the finger through the palm technique (even though thats a reality check . What a weird feeling that was , felt like trying to push my finger through a sheet of rubber before it eventually went through, i quickly lost the dream after this.

      Shortly after this dream i found myself lucid again on a huge field where, for a while, i conversed with an elderly guy who eventually decided to lead me to a party. Cool i thought, never been to a dream party before, and so off we walked. As we were getting closer to the destination (about 20 seconds into the small trek) i found lucidity slipping away from me once again, i needed to hold onto it somehow, and in a moment of desperately trawling my memory for anything useful remembered a post that mentioned absorbing yourself in the dream more. I fell to my knees and began running my fingers through the grass, the feeling was very realistic. As a test (which turned out to be very successful) I then tried to rip some grass up to eat. After an extremely frustrating 10 or so seconds i eventually managed to rip some grass up and ate it, yummy :.

      On to the party i went eating random scenery such as leaves along the way and touching random objects such as a wall and a padlock that i managed to break. By now i found i was no longer waking up, I was nice and stabely lucid, id beat my brain by eating its creations... so to speak.

      After passing a gated entrance i found myself at a childs birthday party... hardly my idea of a good time but i was lucid and therefore happy. My first actions took place after noticing a bunch of helium balloons, i tried to pop them but could only unrealisticly tear them leaving them to deflate themselves. I also had to put up with the brat who's birthday it was , she didnt like my balloon popping antics, the statement "its your birthday and you can cry if you want to" seemed to make things worse so i walked away laughing to myself. I then found a huge pile of teddies and decided i wanted to jump onto them from the roof above.

      After a minute or so climbing onto the roof i suddenly became a bit freaked out, i was perched up a long way above lots of hard concrete and even the thought of me being lucid couldn't completely remove that fear. It was then that I glanced up and noticed the most amazing view. A beautifully large and realistic scene, my mind had created an entire area, miles of scenery. I could see many buildings and lakes that realistically reflected the suns glare across them. To cut a long winded and quite fantastic explanation of what i saw ill move onto the important bit.... i noticed something odd. My brain had cheated, the scenery in the middle of the view was unique, but the scenery either side was simply a mirror of each other. I became fascinated with this and glanced side to side comparing the scenes, after a few seconds of doing this the scene changed to contain big rock formations in the forms of letters. Once again the middle ground was unique but the right hand view was mirrored by the left.

      Anyways after a while of viewing i looked back down to see a small area of teddies below me surrounded by lots of concrete , what the heck, its only a dream. I jumped and fell fast towards the unsuspecting pile of stuffed bunnies, I hit them hard, and my vision seemed to carry on through them into darkness, the dream ended and i woke.

      If your losing lucidity, feel and eat stuff (no crude remarks please). If you want an easy way to wake up, jump off a large building. Also, my brains too lazy to make a wholey unique landscape and leaves in dreams actually taste like leaves in real life.
      Finally kids parties arn't all bad but if you find yourself bored just find some balloons to pop, upset whoevers birthday it is and then jump off a large building.

      Thanks for reading,


    2. #2
      Member Hobus's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2005
      Heh sounds like a pretty cool dream! So the leaves taste like they do in real life? Thats weird, i've never tried to eat a leaf... I'll make sure to test your method at the next opportunity.
      Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. -Gandalf

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      San Francisco, California
      pretty crazy. ill be sure to try that
      i have a new love for explosions

      PM me for Questions!

    4. #4
      FreeSpirit RooJ's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2005
      Thanks for the comments guys, i hope it can help you.

      So the leaves taste like they do in real life? Thats weird, i've never tried to eat a leaf... [/b]
      You can only watch your cat eat grass for so long before wondering what the hell is so damn good about it . No idea how i got around to trying a hedge leaf though.. curiosity id imagine, and im sure nearly everyone on this forum can sympethise with me on that.


    5. #5
      Member ezekiel7's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2005
      Oregon(best state ever)
      hah, I skipped the story and read the summary, anyway, the taste of leaves came rushing to my taste buds, i've tasted grass too !

      Just make sure if your gonna try it, dont eat the poisonous kind!

      and some green leaves might taste better then "fall" leaves!

      *to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club*

      M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S!


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