Lucid part in red!

Calgary: I was walking around in what i thought was calgary. i was walking outside up some outdoor staircase that led to a large platform where people seemed to be mingling. when i got up to the top some cute girl said something to me. what she said made no sense. i looked at her quizically then smiled and said "OOOOK then"
and kept walking. pretty soon another girl pulled me aside and said something even more stupid.

this kept happening for minutes girls kept walking up to me and pulling me aside to say the most ridiculous things. everytime i talked back they would ignore me and then re-ingage me when i showed dissinterest in their retardedness. Some big guy noticed what was going on and he tried to be the big Alpha male on me. he kept threatening me (musta been jealous of all the attention i was getting). i go "yeah whatever man, i'm just here to socialise you don't need to act that like that." this angered him more.

i started to walk down the stairs again but he kept cutting me off and yelling obsenities at me. it was obvious i wouldn't get away without having to fight him. i didn't have time for this. i jsut kept walking away from him and not even acknowledging him, which angered him more.

I suddenly realised it was a dream. as soon as i knew i looked straight at this guy and i began to rise into the air and put my arms down and out like Jesus coming back to earth. i looked at him and laughed. he was suddenly scared and ran away!

i began flying at breakneck speed all over the city. i had a nagging sensation that i was supposed find someone so i flew out of town at jet speed. i came back to the small town i had been in another dream earlier but i forgot who i was supposed to find. oh well, this is my dream and i'm gonna have fun in it.

I flew back to the city and i noticed a harbor. as soon as i was over the water i saw everything as infared. I remembered to look at things in a systematic fashion. so i flew all over the water just looking at everything in brief glances. i saw objects more clearly as they flew past me. the sense of vagueness of the dream was gone. i could feel the wind as i sliced through it.

since iw as flying over water i wondered if i could go under the water without drowning. i hesitated for a few moments and then i dove under the water. i could breathe! everything was going black so i just kept going deeper and deeper enjoying this freedom until the dream was over