I just had my first well controlled and very aware lucid dream. Ironically when I woke up I was on the last page of my dream journal. I was in my house and a guy as tall as the celing walks in and tries to rob me. I leave and think how weird that was and wonder if its a dream. I do a reality check and it fails and I get really excited. I go around and slap people left and right and no one reacts, which gives me confidence. I tell one DC to jump through a wall and without saying anything he jumps right through. I look at the wall and jump through it but the feeling that i had when I was in the middle of the wall was crazy. It wasnt a feeling I have ever felt before. I felt like I was pushing through rainbow rubber bands. I finally made it through and jumped into a tree to try and fly, but I woke up before I could. I went through the dream yelling "increase lucidity" two or three times like people suggest and it worked very well. I felt really cool when I woke up but I wanted to try and go back into it. I ended up writing down the lucid in detail so i wouldnt forget and spent the rest of the morning drifitng in and out of sleep, being semi lucid at times. When the first reality check failed, I tried to spin, but i didnt really have a scene in mind while i was spinning so i had a FA. Luckily it was very brief and I entered right back into the lucid. Just wanted to share my story cause i've been excited. After trying to lucid dream for months with limited success i've had 2 in the past 3 days that were very clear. Everyone is welcome to post their cool lucid dreams too. About spinning: do you need to focus on a scene when you spin because I my situation I only wanted to ground myself in the dream and extend it. My biggest problem has always been waking up too soon.