I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Over the years, I find that I often dream of a place I had dreamt of before. Many times it is a place that doesn't actually exist, or it's a real place but with some very different features or is connected to the wrong roads, etc.
There are certain of these places that come up a lot in my dreams, and they are always the same. But then when I started last week to try and recall them all, I started noticing something very interesting... They all connect to each other in a logical way. That is to say, I could theoretically travel from any one of them to any other by way of imaginary roads and paths that were established in my dreams.
As I tried to remember more, visions of a hundred different places my brain had invented started to come back to me, and all of them were connected via my personal persistant dream geography. Generally speaking, most of the locations are near the house I grew up in in Takoma, Wash DC, but they branch out a bit, going as far NE and NW to Vermont and Ohio, and South to some parts of Virginia. There are specific real-life roads that if I follow always come upon the same dream-only buildings or landmarks. There are stores I visit in my dreams that are always in the same imaginary locations. There are strange paths through the woods that connect different places, train tracks I sometimes walk on, and even areas that are always snow-covered.
The interesting thing is that these places rarely change at all over the many years I've been visiting them. I only really started to think about it because one place in particular changed in a recent dream... the road we were on was a bit overgrown, and trees had fallen blocking it. Then I noticed that someone had cleared a side area that led to a familiar highway... getting me right back on familiar territory.
Now I'm just wondering if that new side road will be permanent.