Today I had my most vivid LD yet, with total control. It lasted quite a long time too. Well, I interrogated a DC and I got some... amazing and eye opening results. Here's the excerpt from my Dream Journal.

Soldiers and people were running around trying to barricade or get ready for an "invasion" of the Russian and Chinese forces. While this was happening, I decided to interrogate a Dream Character. I really meant it. I grabbed Waldo, and pushed him up against the wall and asked "Who are you?" He was trying to avoid the question, looking around trying to prepare for the invasion. I pushed him harder against the wall and looked into his eyes. I said "Stop trying to avoid the question. You don't exist, you're just a figment of my dream. You're not real, so who are you?" He looked into my eyes, as he pulled me in closer. Suddenly, his face changed without me even noticing. He was me. He said "I'm you..." I was shocked, looking back and realizing that everything or everyone I was looking at was me. Nothing else but me. This is when the dream took on FULL lucidity. The vividness I can't even describe. I saw every shine and twinkle in my own eyes looking into them. The skin looked the same, strands of hair were the same. I studied it, and in my head I thought "This is... so much more vivid than real life. This is actually happening..."

So, that's the most powerful thing I've ever done in an LD. It just made me come to a huge realization, and what followed was 10 minutes of intense fighting against russians and asian ninjas. xD