Well, I can say that I am very happy right now
In the space of a single week, I've had three lucid dreams!
The first, on Monday, was when I fell victim to a head-splitting migraine headache. I was laying down to try and sleep it off and suddenly I was experiencing SP (Strangely enough, I enjoy this sensation immensely) After a while, the sensation passed and I got up, not thinking to do any reality checks and went over to the mirror, assuming that I had messed up. At the mirror I was examining my sideburns (Which are coming along nicely ) Suddenly, I woke up and saw that my uncle was just coming in the door to the right of the mirror (I just kind of crashed by my living room couch) and realized I had had a false awakening.

I didn't move when I woke up, and within minutes I was hitting SP again. Here, I am going to just copy-paste my DJ entry for the dream (Warning, extreme lack of reality in ahead post )
Quote Originally Posted by Dream Journal
The second time, the imagery turned into my backyard and my neighborhood's daughter came outside, she invited me inside and I came inside and she smiled at me, and I smiled at her and we turned and started going down a corridor to the right of the rooms we came out of. The corridor turned into the nearby shopping mall and at that point I realized I was LDing. We were walking down the hall and it was super bright, I was smiling at all the people (All of them were hot girls) and when we came up to stairs that lead to the main corridor. We got up the stairs, and across the main stream, there was another staircase going down, when we reached the next flight of stairs, we turned around and noticed somebody stealing something from one of the advertising stands that small shops have set up along shopping mall paths. There was a commotion and it looked like the thief was going to escape, and I rushed over to stop him, at that point everyone though I was attacking him for no reason and guards ran up to try and shoot me. I was getting shot at and I was hiding behind some empty boxes for cover, and I was afraid the bullets were going to go through and kill me, so I solidified the boxes into a solid steel wall. After this, the dream somehow escalated into a high speed cart chase, a large slobbering dog was dumped on me and it all came to a crash in a restaurant.
After this, not alot happened till this morning at around 5:00. I woke up, and checked the clock, and decided I'd try to WILD. After 20-30 minutes of no success, I dozed off and pretty much had a DEILD/DILD. I can't decide which because I didn't realize lucidity immediately.
Quote Originally Posted by Dream Journal
The first dream, I got the impression of an airplane starting, and suddenly I was flying around over a lake/ocean in one of those HUGE old WW2 bombers, we were getting higher and higher to gain altitude like you had to be to perform a bombing run and began to sky dive. Suddenly, I realized I was dreaming and was really happy (at this point, I was no longer in the plane and flying superman style), I was flying circles around and stuff. The clouds were incredibly vivid and real, and I could feel the wind on my face. I was about to say "Clarity now!" but the dream kind of faded and came back with me in some sort of city alleyway area, I lost lucidity at this point and don't exactly remember what happened beyond here. It was like we were in some sort of fancy place and someone was pointing a gun at me and somebody else and I woke up. (I know there was more to it but I don't remember).
Now for my final LD, and I have to say this was probably the most profound experience I've ever had, as I mention in the dream journal, the sensation of flying and everything being so vivid and real was breath-taking and exhilarating. When I hit this dream, I don't remember if I woke up and fell asleep again, or proceeded directly into this one from the previous, but I was lucid right away.

Quote Originally Posted by Dream Journal
The second dream was much longer and I had more control. I was driving around in a car with somebody else (Some guy I think) and I knew I was dreaming instantly. I drove to the top of a parking complex in my car, and drove off, flying over the rooftops of the shorter buildings and looping around between the taller ones, yelling my head off with happiness

Suddenly, we got past the city and were going over a beautiful country-side, at this point I felt the most profound sensation of happiness. It was like the ultimate rush, and when I was at that high up everything was so crystal clear and awesome. Suddenly, my car-plane crashed and I woke up on the side of a lake where we crashed. For some strange reason (I think I might have lost lucidity here) I raised 3 massive pillars of water out of the air with my hands, and sank the car I had been in. At that point, I am positive I lost lucidity, and I saw the face of some weird statue that looked like a rough carving of barrete from Final Fantasy 7. Suddenly it turned to view Barette himself (Wearing a pair of glasses), and he said "HE CRASHED WHAT?!" and I and I was back in my house (The interior was slightly different but the exterior wasn't) I looked out a new window, and I saw Barette and some girl walking across to me from the house across the street. He came over and my brother asked who they were, and I said that looks like Barette from Final Fantasy 7 and he was like "Whaaaat?!" Than I was trying to figure out who the girl was, and went outside, and was talking to her. Suddenly, she transformed into this orange glowing crab-like technology thingimigum (Hard to describe) and I heard some womens voice say something about how she thought the government had banned something or another. (Don't ask, this was beyond confusing for me at this point)
After this, I woke up. If I dreampt anymore after this, I don't know. All I remember was waking up, and being VERY happy that I finally got such a full-blown LD.

Thank you for reading my crazy post.