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    1. #1
      A new lucid dreamer Darksearcher's Avatar
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      Cool My first lucid dream! Incredible!

      I always had trouble when it came to lucid dreaming, specially because, the instant after I realized I was dreaming, I excited too much and I woke up.

      Well then, this time it was different.

      I was walking inside an old house I owned when I was a child (in the dream my age was the same as in the waking world). As I was passing trough a door, I instantly became lucid (THIS IS A DREAM! I thought). At the same time I was wondering about why I didnt wake up like many other times. As I was thinking about it, everything became more and more real, as if the dream was trying to trick me to think it was real and not a dream. Well, I didnt fall for it and I continued lucid.

      I began to explore freely the house of my youth. Everything looked and felt so real it was really stunning. Later, I reached a weird room. In this room there was a giant hole in the ceiling, and water fell through it. This water was slowly filling a pool inside the room. Two of my actual friends were there, along with a little kid. I remembered an old lucid task from this very site, so I asked to one of my friends: Who am I? He didnt respond a thing... Next I asked the same question to the kid. She began to talk a lot and ended with something like: "and then you will not have the right to marry me" (??? ) So I said "ok, thanks, that was really... uhhh... interesting. I continued to observe my friends and the kid, and later I realized there were three old ladies who where coming to the room. They entered and began to talk to another old lady who supposedly were also in the room (I didnt notice her earlier...) She apologized to the other ladies for the big hole in the celing. At this time I began to wake up and everything fade out...

      Well, thats it. I know its simple but I am still impressed of the lucid experience, it was really fun to know that nothing was real, yet it felt like the real deal the whole time!

      Well, thanks for reading, I hope it was not too boring
      Keep dreaming, for dreams are also part of our reality.

    2. #2
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      Darksearcher, congrats on your first lucid dream.. it wasn't boring at all!
      Now that you know it's really possible.. may you have many many more lucids!


    3. #3
      can haz dv Achievements:
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      The cupboard under the stairs
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      Congratulations! I got so excited when I had my first one that... well, I woke myself up.

      "...and we want punks in the palace, 'cos punks got the loveliest dreams..." - A Silver Mt. Zion
      It was the best of times. It was the end of times.


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