I had this dream the other night, I woke myself up one hour before I was gonna get up for school (6:00) just because I wanted to lie in for an hour, but I soon fell asleep and this happened....

.I was sitting in the playroom with my brother. I was already quite aware and I was trying to decide if I was dreaming or not. I clapped my hands and suddenly, the X box went red and switched off! I thought
"How strange?" So I tried it again, but to no avail I tried shouting
"daylight," at the sky, but it stayed the same dull dark blue evening color that it was. Here, I started to lose hope, yet suddenly I had an idea! I picked up a newspaper and read a random line, when I looked away and read it again, it was a different line!

At this point, I felt a rush of excitement inside my body, I jumped on the sofa and screamed
"I'M LUCID WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I bounced up and ran over towards the window and told the light to become a sunny day again, only this time it worked! (probably because I fully believed I was dreaming this time)
In all my excitement, i dashed over to the front door and said
" Outside there is a jungle with a tiger I can ride on, the weather is nice and warm.

I swung open the door to find that everything I had said had come true, well except for the fact it was still a cul-de-sac, not a jungle . I stepped outside and decided not to ride the tiger, I had my sights set on something else. Flying, I jumped, leaped and bound into the air, and then fell down and grazed my knees ;(. But I knew I was dreaming so I was like "
HOO CAREZ I'M DREAMIN!2111!........Anyway.....I sat down in the road and felt the warmth of the sun. It was the perfect weather. You know, when it's not hot, but not chilly, awesome. I raised my arm into the meditation position, and started to feel my bum elevate, and lift off of the ground. Unfortunately, I was then woken up by my alarm.

I opened my eyes and though 'I just had a lucid wooooo!' to myself, but when I thought about it, waking up from it felt just like a normal dream. I also doubted it was real because of the fact that my control as so good, you lot usually go on about how hard it is the first few times..

So did I have a lucid, or was I just dreaming about having a lucid? I'm so confused. HELP!!1!