I just woke up from a Lucid dream during a nap..

I don't know how long I was laying down but I remember waking up at 8pm, then quickly laying back down to sleep. I fell asleep pretty much right away since I was really tired.

I don't know how the dream began but I remember a point where I was on some computer looking up the game NHL 10 (for 2010) and asking my brother if he thinks the game will be any good..

My brother being a big hockey fan was like "Sure...." I thought that was strange with in itself because I would have expected a more joyful response.

This is where the dream takes a strange turn. I was at this house, and I ended up going outside in the backyard. Somewhere along those lines, sometimes caused me to do a reality check and I became Lucid. I don't know how many minutes passed but I kept slipping in and out of Lucidity because at one point in the dream I kept thinking to myself that I had a False Awakening with in side the dream and kept asking myself am I dreaming now, and not the last time?

The reason why I kept asking myself "Am I dreaming now?" Is because in the dream the last thing I remember before going "Lucid" was talking to my brother about NHL 10 (but that was also a dream) Therefore slipping in and out of lucidity and having somewhat a coherence when not lucid, made things a little tricky. I was Lucid for a while, kept wondering in a house trying to find a doorway to go through to reach my Lucid Goal. When I was out of Lucidity I was going to set up some weird thing outside with a spoon so that when i "Woke up" I could go outside and see if that thing was there or not,to see if I was actually dreaming?

I used some telekinesis in the dream and things like that, but just more so It was a really long dream, and slipped in and out of lucidity a bunch of times which made it confusing at some points at what was really going on.. I woke up and checked the time after the dream, it was 8:38pm... So I don't know if the dream lasted 38 minutes or not, but i fell asleep at 8 and ended up in a dream really fast....

Anyways, Just a really strange lucid that I would. Has this confusion type stuff happened to anybody else?

Thank you
